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Public Auction #461

Click here for pre-auction bidding, ended November 15, 2024 at 6pm (New York time)
Click here for live auction, takes place November 16-17, 2024 at 10:00am (New York Time)
Click here for unsold lots, available November 21, 2024 at 2:00pm (New York Time)
Bids updated November 15, 2024 at 6:28pm (New York time)

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Image #1 of auction lot #1: Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Around four hundred att...Image #2 of auction lot #1: Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Around four hundred att...Image #3 of auction lot #1: Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Around four hundred att...Image #4 of auction lot #1: Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Around four hundred att...
1O*Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Around four hundred attractive items catalogued, described, and priced. Housed in seven six-ring binders. Mint and used definitives, commemoratives, and BOB offered as singles, sets, pairs, blocks, and plate blocks. Mainly F-VF and mostly pre-1930. Exceptionally clean lot with beneficial duplication. Tailor made for easy resale. Photos show selected highlights.Cat. Value: Cat. 56000.00
Price Realized: $6,500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #2: A high average catalog value manageable dealer stock on sales pages in...Image #2 of auction lot #2: A high average catalog value manageable dealer stock on sales pages in...Image #3 of auction lot #2: A high average catalog value manageable dealer stock on sales pages in...Image #4 of auction lot #2: A high average catalog value manageable dealer stock on sales pages in...
2O*A high average catalog value manageable dealer stock on sales pages in four 6-ring binders; most have catalog values of over $50 each with little duplication. Strength is in both the early regular and BOB issues. Close review is recommended.Cat. Value: Cat. 28880.00
Price Realized: $2,900.00
Image #1 of auction lot #3: Opportunity Knocks. Well-rounded three-volume collection 1847 to 1978....Image #2 of auction lot #3: Opportunity Knocks. Well-rounded three-volume collection 1847 to 1978....Image #3 of auction lot #3: Opportunity Knocks. Well-rounded three-volume collection 1847 to 1978....Image #4 of auction lot #3: Opportunity Knocks. Well-rounded three-volume collection 1847 to 1978....
3O*Opportunity Knocks. Well-rounded three-volume collection 1847 to 1978. Mounted in a hingeless SAFE Dual set of albums. Jampacked with collector-chosen material displayed in a sometimes jumbled manner. Features definitives, commemoratives, airmails, special deliveries, special handlings, and parcel posts. Represents a lifetime effort to acquire singles, pairs, blocks, plate number singles, booklet panes, printing oddities, noteworthy cancels, relevant labels, etc. Contains a mix of mint og, mint NH, and used, with many pencil notations on the album pages commenting on philatelic matters. The original owner also entered a Scott numerical grade for most items in his collection. We noticed occasional imperfections, but the stamps are predominantly F-VF. The list of highlights is huge and includes thorough representation of early imperforates, beloved nineteenth-century regulars, iconic commemoratives, Washington-Franklins, Farley special printings, C1-6, the Graf Zeppelin Issues, and more. An eye-catching compilation of U.S. stamps with an enormous total Scott catalog value.Cat. Value: S.B. 21000.00
Price Realized: $14,500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #4: Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Approximately three hun...Image #2 of auction lot #4: Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Approximately three hun...Image #3 of auction lot #4: Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Approximately three hun...Image #4 of auction lot #4: Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Approximately three hun...
4O*Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Approximately three hundred attractive items catalogued, described, and priced. Neatly housed in five mini-binders. Mint and used definitives, commemoratives, and BOB offered as singles, sets, blocks, and pairs. Mainly F-VF and mostly pre-1930. Exceptionally clean lot with reasonable duplication. Set up for easy resale.Cat. Value: Cat. 14050.00
Price Realized: $3,250.00
Image #1 of auction lot #5: The Product of an Independent Thinker. One hundred twenty years of U.S...Image #2 of auction lot #5: The Product of an Independent Thinker. One hundred twenty years of U.S...Image #3 of auction lot #5: The Product of an Independent Thinker. One hundred twenty years of U.S...Image #4 of auction lot #5: The Product of an Independent Thinker. One hundred twenty years of U.S...
5*The Product of an Independent Thinker. One hundred twenty years of U.S. philatelic treasures mounted onto cutdown Harris pages and packed into one bulging American Heirloom binder, 1847 to the late 1960s. Mostly mint, with only a few used. Over many years, the collector bought what he loved most in the U.S. philatelic scene and organized his stamps in the way that pleased him, all with memorable results. On the one hand, there is much to admire in this collection. We found page after page of singles, pairs, and printing oddities from the classic era, with many items having certificates. The list of highlights is huge and begins with Scott #1 and includes most of the early imperforates, numerous nineteenth and early twentieth-century regulars, the complete Columbian Exposition Issue, the complete Trans-Mississippi Exposition Issue, thorough coverage of popular early commemorative singles and sets, and long streaks of Washington-Franklins. The BOB shines especially brightly in this holding and features C1-6, the Graf Zeppelin Issue, the Baby Zeppelin, Parcel Post stamps, Special Delivery stamps, Hunting Permit stamps, Confederate States stamps, Official Mail stamps, Newspaper and Periodical stamps, Revenue stamps, Proprietary stamps, Documentary stamps, and Stock Transfer stamps. The overall total Scott catalog value is enormous. On the other hand, the collection is not without challenges and drawbacks. Occasionally, the arrangement of the stamps is haphazard, and the pages are overloaded and difficult to turn. Also, some items are in the wrong spaces. Finally, although the collection contains overwhelmingly attractive and collectable material, the nineteenth-century section is replete with evidence of missing gum, regumming, possible removed cancels, and reperforating. In close, this lot is worth a long, careful viewing by a similarly independent thinker who can see through any imperfections and recognize its desirability and potential use.Cat. Value: S.B. 12000.00
Price Realized: $21,500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #6: An exceptionally beautiful and valuable collection of mint stamps in b...Image #2 of auction lot #6: An exceptionally beautiful and valuable collection of mint stamps in b...Image #3 of auction lot #6: An exceptionally beautiful and valuable collection of mint stamps in b...Image #4 of auction lot #6: An exceptionally beautiful and valuable collection of mint stamps in b...
6*An exceptionally beautiful and valuable collection of mint stamps in black mounts in three White Ace albums with dust covers. The condition of the stamps is significantly above average. This is a show and tell beauty that is not to be missed.Cat. Value: S.B. 12000.00
Price Realized: $13,500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #7: About 100 United States mostly different primarily used 19th Century i...Image #2 of auction lot #7: About 100 United States mostly different primarily used 19th Century i...7O*About 100 United States mostly different primarily used 19th Century issues on a seven row two-sided stock page. Good selection for the variety of cancellations.Cat. Value: Cat. 8370.00
Price Realized: $650.00
Image #1 of auction lot #8: A useful stock of early mint stamps on about hundred twenty-five sales...Image #2 of auction lot #8: A useful stock of early mint stamps on about hundred twenty-five sales...Image #3 of auction lot #8: A useful stock of early mint stamps on about hundred twenty-five sales...Image #4 of auction lot #8: A useful stock of early mint stamps on about hundred twenty-five sales...
8*A useful stock of early mint stamps on about hundred twenty-five sales cards. Condition varies from just fine to better with much NH/LH. Some duplication of the lower value stamps. Some pairs included. A nice addition to your U.S. material.Cat. Value: Cat. 6980.00
Price Realized: $800.00
Image #1 of auction lot #9: A nice and valuable group of high average catalog value dealer stock, ...Image #2 of auction lot #9: A nice and valuable group of high average catalog value dealer stock, ...Image #3 of auction lot #9: A nice and valuable group of high average catalog value dealer stock, ...Image #4 of auction lot #9: A nice and valuable group of high average catalog value dealer stock, ...
9O*A nice and valuable group of high average catalog value dealer stock, mostly fine or better mint and used, on over 120 sales pages in two six-ring binders. The majority have catalog value of over $150 each. Much power in earlies and BOB. Take a look and delight.Cat. Value: S.B. 6000.00
Price Realized: $6,000.00
Image #1 of auction lot #10: A neat bread and butter collection in two American Heirloom hingeless ...Image #2 of auction lot #10: A neat bread and butter collection in two American Heirloom hingeless ...Image #3 of auction lot #10: A neat bread and butter collection in two American Heirloom hingeless ...Image #4 of auction lot #10: A neat bread and butter collection in two American Heirloom hingeless ...
10O*A neat bread and butter collection in two American Heirloom hingeless albums with dust covers. Early issues are mostly used in mixed condition but, many attractive items, including several with certificates, and later issues are mostly mint from the Columbians and thereafter to 1959. Airmails look well filled with a fabulous C15 NH. This collection carries a lot of value deserving of a close review.Cat. Value: S.B. 4500.00
Price Realized: $6,000.00
Image #1 of auction lot #11: Stock arranged on about 90 102 size sales cards never offered for sale...Image #2 of auction lot #11: Stock arranged on about 90 102 size sales cards never offered for sale...Image #3 of auction lot #11: Stock arranged on about 90 102 size sales cards never offered for sale...Image #4 of auction lot #11: Stock arranged on about 90 102 size sales cards never offered for sale...
11O*Stock arranged on about 90 102 size sales cards never offered for sale. All medium to better material set up for easy resale.Cat. Value: Cat. 4110.00
Price Realized: $550.00
Image #1 of auction lot #12: Dealer’s stock of about hundred thirty 102 size sales cards. All mediu...Image #2 of auction lot #12: Dealer’s stock of about hundred thirty 102 size sales cards. All mediu...Image #3 of auction lot #12: Dealer’s stock of about hundred thirty 102 size sales cards. All mediu...Image #4 of auction lot #12: Dealer’s stock of about hundred thirty 102 size sales cards. All mediu...
12O*Dealer’s stock of about hundred thirty 102 size sales cards. All medium to better grade 19th century issues (a few 20th). Some duplication. Owner’s catalog $16,100. Condition mixed with much Fine or better.Cat. Value: S.B. 2100.00
Price Realized: $1,450.00
Image #1 of auction lot #13: Four full cartons of United States floor sweepings.  With loads of Col...Image #2 of auction lot #13: Four full cartons of United States floor sweepings.  With loads of Col...Image #3 of auction lot #13: Four full cartons of United States floor sweepings.  With loads of Col...Image #4 of auction lot #13: Four full cartons of United States floor sweepings.  With loads of Col...
13O*Four full cartons of United States floor sweepings. With loads of Columbians and other sought-after material throughout, this one has less of its value in postage than other similar lots. There are several remainder collections with desirable items; we spotted $2 and $3 Columbians, C18, 832-4 used plate blocks, plus dozens of other individual stamps worthy of notice. Several pizza type boxes and small cartons contain loose pages, glassines, dealer cards, etc. with surprising value. Plan to spend some time with this one to determine the proper bid.Cat. Value: S.B. 2000.00
Price Realized: $2,500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #14: Original collector’s collection from 1892 to the 1940s in an old-style...Image #2 of auction lot #14: Original collector’s collection from 1892 to the 1940s in an old-style...Image #3 of auction lot #14: Original collector’s collection from 1892 to the 1940s in an old-style...Image #4 of auction lot #14: Original collector’s collection from 1892 to the 1940s in an old-style...
14*Original collector’s collection from 1892 to the 1940s in an old-style binder on custom designed and organized pages. Roughly several hundred mint stamps in full, some partial sets, and singles mainly in out dated clear mounts. Highlights include hinged Scott #230-245, 285-293, 294-299, and C13-15. Many pages have toning or foxing from storage in a humid climate which does not take away from the distinctiveness of this holding. Needs examination to come up with the right number.Cat. Value: S.B. 2000.00
Price Realized: $2,000.00
Image #1 of auction lot #15: US selection on dealer counter book pages in a pizza box. Variable con...Image #2 of auction lot #15: US selection on dealer counter book pages in a pizza box. Variable con...Image #3 of auction lot #15: US selection on dealer counter book pages in a pizza box. Variable con...Image #4 of auction lot #15: US selection on dealer counter book pages in a pizza box. Variable con...
15O*US selection on dealer counter book pages in a pizza box. Variable condition, faulty to VF NH. Includes regular issues, airs and BOB. Some nice items in here. Owners cat as noted on the pages is $20K.Cat. Value: S.B. 2000.00
Price Realized: $2,200.00
Image #1 of auction lot #16: Remaindered group on Scott National pages from a very valuable collect...Image #2 of auction lot #16: Remaindered group on Scott National pages from a very valuable collect...Image #3 of auction lot #16: Remaindered group on Scott National pages from a very valuable collect...Image #4 of auction lot #16: Remaindered group on Scott National pages from a very valuable collect...
16O*Remaindered group on Scott National pages from a very valuable collection that still boasts substantial catalog value. Contains only regular and commemorative issues from 1851 to the early 1930’s in varying condition with good value in classics (especially grilled issues) and Washington-Franklins. Extensive photos have been taken to guide your bid.Cat. Value: S.B. 1600.00
Price Realized: $2,600.00
Image #1 of auction lot #17: A Lifelong Philatelic Endeavor. The result of one man’s passionate lov...Image #2 of auction lot #17: A Lifelong Philatelic Endeavor. The result of one man’s passionate lov...Image #3 of auction lot #17: A Lifelong Philatelic Endeavor. The result of one man’s passionate lov...Image #4 of auction lot #17: A Lifelong Philatelic Endeavor. The result of one man’s passionate lov...
17O*CVA Lifelong Philatelic Endeavor. The result of one man’s passionate love affair with nineteenth-, twentieth-, and twenty-first-century U.S. stamps and covers. By the consignor’s estimate, over 15,000 pieces, or items, with a total retail value of over $37,000. Mainly F-VF. Neatly mounted or hinged onto American Heirloom pages and housed in seventeen packed-to-the-gills specialty binders. One volume covers 1840s to 1956 and is missing some of the more elusive material, the remaining volumes focus on 1957 to 2023 and look to be complete for the time period. We found singles, pairs, coil pairs, line pairs, blocks of four, plate blocks, FDCs, commercial covers, and more. The consignor also included printing varieties, freaks, etc. with explanation and occasional certificates. Interspersed with all the philatelic material are excerpts from reference works, magazines, and newspapers as well as notations, markings, and bare-bones inventory sheets by the consignor. A unique offering compiled by a knowledgeable, enthusiastic collector.Cat. Value: S.B. 1600.00
Price Realized: $2,600.00
Image #1 of auction lot #18: Massive dealer’s assortment in two large cartons. Thousands and thousa...Image #2 of auction lot #18: Massive dealer’s assortment in two large cartons. Thousands and thousa...Image #3 of auction lot #18: Massive dealer’s assortment in two large cartons. Thousands and thousa...Image #4 of auction lot #18: Massive dealer’s assortment in two large cartons. Thousands and thousa...
18O*Massive dealer’s assortment in two large cartons. Thousands and thousands of mint and used stamps having plenty of duplication in modest multiple copies mainly identified on stock cards and glassines. There is material pre-Scott 110 and up to not much past Scott #1000. Includes regular, commemoratives, airmails, revenues, and postage dues. Spotted some C18's and C1-6's. Generally, not high power but a lot of mid-range issues. The back up stock having digestible quantities will add up. Needs to be examined to come up with the right number.Cat. Value: S.B. 1500.00
Price Realized: $2,300.00
Image #1 of auction lot #19: US mixture in two cube boxes of mint and some used classics, plus cove...Image #2 of auction lot #19: US mixture in two cube boxes of mint and some used classics, plus cove...Image #3 of auction lot #19: US mixture in two cube boxes of mint and some used classics, plus cove...Image #4 of auction lot #19: US mixture in two cube boxes of mint and some used classics, plus cove...
19O*CVUS mixture in two cube boxes of mint and some used classics, plus covers, and gold foil replicas. The replicas comprise one box, the other is an attractive mix of some better material. Give this lot a good looking over, there may be just the gem you are looking for in here.Cat. Value: S.B. 1400.00
Price Realized: $650.00
Image #1 of auction lot #20: Collection from the 1860s to the 1930s in a medium box. Hundreds of mo...Image #2 of auction lot #20: Collection from the 1860s to the 1930s in a medium box. Hundreds of mo...Image #3 of auction lot #20: Collection from the 1860s to the 1930s in a medium box. Hundreds of mo...Image #4 of auction lot #20: Collection from the 1860s to the 1930s in a medium box. Hundreds of mo...
20O*Collection from the 1860s to the 1930s in a medium box. Hundreds of mostly used stamps having some mint in full, partial sets, and singles. Condition is mixed. Many pages have toning probably from storage in a humid climate, but still useful value to be found.Cat. Value: S.B. 1300.00
Price Realized: $900.00
Image #1 of auction lot #21: From the Red Bird Estate Part III. Assortment from the late 19th Centu...Image #2 of auction lot #21: From the Red Bird Estate Part III. Assortment from the late 19th Centu...Image #3 of auction lot #21: From the Red Bird Estate Part III. Assortment from the late 19th Centu...Image #4 of auction lot #21: From the Red Bird Estate Part III. Assortment from the late 19th Centu...
21O*From the Red Bird Estate Part III. Assortment from the late 19th Century to the 1990s in four cartons. Encompasses multiple thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having fantastic duplication. Plucked from untold albums, binders, and stockbooks the majority were given a catalog number and then marked “save” on the glassines. Involves most useful over $600.00 face high value plate blocks from $1.00 to $18.95 issued during the 2000s. Spotted mint C18 and a 1053 in small numbers. Also, noticed a good flock of mint and used older ducks. Many of the glassines contain multiple mint stamps of various issues. A rare opportunity for the internet or bourse seller to stock up on material in quantities. Do not let this one slip away.Cat. Value: S.B. 1250.00
Price Realized: $2,900.00
Image #1 of auction lot #22: United States duck, hunting, and fishing stock from 1935-2013 in a red...Image #2 of auction lot #22: United States duck, hunting, and fishing stock from 1935-2013 in a red...Image #3 of auction lot #22: United States duck, hunting, and fishing stock from 1935-2013 in a red...Image #4 of auction lot #22: United States duck, hunting, and fishing stock from 1935-2013 in a red...
22O*United States duck, hunting, and fishing stock from 1935-2013 in a red box. Roughly 600 #102 sales cards containing mint and used stamps having duplication priced and organized in date order. Incorporates Federal ducks, waterfowl from Iowa, Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, South Dakota, Utah and Wisconsin. Likewise includes Turkey, Trout, Pheasant, and salmon from Wisconsin. Condition varies. The owner’s retail value of $7,826.00, of which catalog is much higher. A super lot for the specialist.Cat. Value: S.B. 1200.00
Price Realized: $850.00
Image #1 of auction lot #23: Dealer’s stock of over a hundred fifty 102 size sales cards. All mediu...Image #2 of auction lot #23: Dealer’s stock of over a hundred fifty 102 size sales cards. All mediu...Image #3 of auction lot #23: Dealer’s stock of over a hundred fifty 102 size sales cards. All mediu...Image #4 of auction lot #23: Dealer’s stock of over a hundred fifty 102 size sales cards. All mediu...
23O*Dealer’s stock of over a hundred fifty 102 size sales cards. All medium to better grade 20th century issues. Owner's catalog $8900. Some duplication, primarily Fine or better.Cat. Value: S.B. 1100.00
Price Realized: $1,100.00
Image #1 of auction lot #24: Collection from 1892 to the early 1990s in three cartons. Several thou...Image #2 of auction lot #24: Collection from 1892 to the early 1990s in three cartons. Several thou...Image #3 of auction lot #24: Collection from 1892 to the early 1990s in three cartons. Several thou...Image #4 of auction lot #24: Collection from 1892 to the early 1990s in three cartons. Several thou...
24O*Collection from 1892 to the early 1990s in three cartons. Several thousand mixed mint and used stamps in full, partial sets, singles, souvenir sheets, and booklet panels in eight Scott National Specialty albums and slipcases. Includes a Recalled Legends sheet and some mint ducks. Owner’s count of $2,000+ face. Enough postage to tempt you. A nice pedestrian collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 1000.00
Price Realized: $1,400.00
Image #1 of auction lot #25: Comprehensive revenue collection. Several hundred items mounted on Sco...Image #2 of auction lot #25: Comprehensive revenue collection. Several hundred items mounted on Sco...Image #3 of auction lot #25: Comprehensive revenue collection. Several hundred items mounted on Sco...Image #4 of auction lot #25: Comprehensive revenue collection. Several hundred items mounted on Sco...
25O*Comprehensive revenue collection. Several hundred items mounted on Scott specialty pages. Includes First Issue, Second Issue, Documentarys, Proprietaries, Future Deliveries, Stock Transfers, Cordials and Wines, Playing Cards, Cigarette Tubes, Potato Tax, Narcotics, Consular Service Fees, Boating Stamps, Telegraphs and Post Office Seals. Contains some more elusive material. Total recent Scott catalog value is over $8,000.Cat. Value: S.B. 900.00
Price Realized: $1,100.00
Image #1 of auction lot #26: Selection of 228 all different 19th Century card proofs on quadrille p...Image #2 of auction lot #26: Selection of 228 all different 19th Century card proofs on quadrille p...Image #3 of auction lot #26: Selection of 228 all different 19th Century card proofs on quadrille p...Image #4 of auction lot #26: Selection of 228 all different 19th Century card proofs on quadrille p...
26*Selection of 228 all different 19th Century card proofs on quadrille pages in a medium box. Unusual philatelic find. All pages and stamps have been scanned.Cat. Value: S.B. 900.00
Price Realized: $2,400.00
Image #1 of auction lot #27: Retired dealer stock in five small six ring sales books in a medium bo...Image #2 of auction lot #27: Retired dealer stock in five small six ring sales books in a medium bo...Image #3 of auction lot #27: Retired dealer stock in five small six ring sales books in a medium bo...Image #4 of auction lot #27: Retired dealer stock in five small six ring sales books in a medium bo...
27O*Retired dealer stock in five small six ring sales books in a medium box. Includes generally mint but also some used single stamps mostly after Scott #300 and before Scott #578. Prices marked $7,500.00+ which appears to be usually discounted from catalog value. Opening bid seems reasonable. A lot that should be considered.Cat. Value: S.B. 850.00
Price Realized: $850.00
Image #1 of auction lot #28: A 32 page stockbook housing hundreds of postage dues.  Starts with all...Image #2 of auction lot #28: A 32 page stockbook housing hundreds of postage dues.  Starts with all...Image #3 of auction lot #28: A 32 page stockbook housing hundreds of postage dues.  Starts with all...Image #4 of auction lot #28: A 32 page stockbook housing hundreds of postage dues.  Starts with all...
28O*A 32 page stockbook housing hundreds of postage dues. Starts with all 3 shades of the first design and continues to the utilitarian design of the 1960’s with many position pieces and multiples. Condition varies widely but a useful lot for building or enhancing either a stock or collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 800.00
Price Realized: $550.00
Image #1 of auction lot #29: Scott album having hundreds and hundreds of mixed mint and used stamps...Image #2 of auction lot #29: Scott album having hundreds and hundreds of mixed mint and used stamps...Image #3 of auction lot #29: Scott album having hundreds and hundreds of mixed mint and used stamps...Image #4 of auction lot #29: Scott album having hundreds and hundreds of mixed mint and used stamps...
29O*Scott album having hundreds and hundreds of mixed mint and used stamps. Contains a group of nineteenth century gaining strength in the banknote era. Bureaus and Washington Franklins are well populated having early attractive commemoratives. White Plains sheet, most Kansas/Nebraska's, all Prexies and a good group of early airmail stamps are also present.Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00
Price Realized: $650.00
Image #1 of auction lot #30: Collection from 1919-1998 in one carton. Contains hundreds and hundred...Image #2 of auction lot #30: Collection from 1919-1998 in one carton. Contains hundreds and hundred...Image #3 of auction lot #30: Collection from 1919-1998 in one carton. Contains hundreds and hundred...Image #4 of auction lot #30: Collection from 1919-1998 in one carton. Contains hundreds and hundred...
30*Collection from 1919-1998 in one carton. Contains hundreds and hundreds of mint stamps in full sets, singles, souvenir sheets, and booklet panes mounted mainly in black mounts on album pages in binders. Highlights include C13-15 (hinged) and a White Plains sheet. Incorporates some mid-value sets as well as roughly $300.00 face in singles and sheets. All in all, a wonderful collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00
Price Realized: $1,200.00
Image #1 of auction lot #31: Selection roughly from the 1860s to 1940 in a medium carton. Contains ...Image #2 of auction lot #31: Selection roughly from the 1860s to 1940 in a medium carton. Contains ...Image #3 of auction lot #31: Selection roughly from the 1860s to 1940 in a medium carton. Contains ...Image #4 of auction lot #31: Selection roughly from the 1860s to 1940 in a medium carton. Contains ...
31O*Selection roughly from the 1860s to 1940 in a medium carton. Contains a mixture of hundreds and hundreds of mint and used stamps in an album, 102 size sales cards, album pages, and one small counter book. The majority are used stamps having optimistic marked prices which should be discounted. Plenty of value still to be found. Take a chance, you will not be disappointed.Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00
Price Realized: $900.00
Image #1 of auction lot #32: Accumulation from the 1860s to the 1980s in one carton. Consignment re...Image #2 of auction lot #32: Accumulation from the 1860s to the 1980s in one carton. Consignment re...Image #3 of auction lot #32: Accumulation from the 1860s to the 1980s in one carton. Consignment re...Image #4 of auction lot #32: Accumulation from the 1860s to the 1980s in one carton. Consignment re...
32O*Accumulation from the 1860s to the 1980s in one carton. Consignment remainder of varied contents having thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps with enjoyable duplication. Includes collections, thousands of precancels and perfins, a wholesale group of test stamps having huge catalog value, a few stamps with certificates etc. Look carefully to uncover all the goodies.Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00
Price Realized: $800.00
Image #1 of auction lot #33: Duck stamp compilation. Neat and clean assemblage on album pages and l...Image #2 of auction lot #33: Duck stamp compilation. Neat and clean assemblage on album pages and l...Image #3 of auction lot #33: Duck stamp compilation. Neat and clean assemblage on album pages and l...33*Duck stamp compilation. Neat and clean assemblage on album pages and loose. Seems to cover the years 1937 to 2014. Includes hinged early stamps, but otherwise loaded with NH singles, plate blocks, and self-adhesives.Cat. Value: S.B. 700.00
Price Realized: $800.00
Image #1 of auction lot #34: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States accumulation from the...Image #2 of auction lot #34: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States accumulation from the...Image #3 of auction lot #34: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States accumulation from the...Image #4 of auction lot #34: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States accumulation from the...
34O*From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States accumulation from the late 19th Century to the 1990s in five cartons. Contains multiple thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having joyful duplication. Plucked from untold albums, binders, and stockbooks. The majority were given a catalog number and then marked “save” on glassines. Saved by the collector for various reasons from cancels to moderate catalog values. Likewise includes a small assortment of postage involving Bicentennial sheets to thirty-two cents. A fascinating lot.Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00
Price Realized: $2,300.00
Image #1 of auction lot #35: Nine different plate blocks mostly from the early 20th century. All ha...35*BlkPNine different plate blocks mostly from the early 20th century. All have small problems like hinge remnants, perf seps., etc. but fresh Fine centering.Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00
Price Realized: $500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #36: Wonderful assortment from the 1860s to the 1990s in one carton. Involv...Image #2 of auction lot #36: Wonderful assortment from the 1860s to the 1990s in one carton. Involv...Image #3 of auction lot #36: Wonderful assortment from the 1860s to the 1990s in one carton. Involv...Image #4 of auction lot #36: Wonderful assortment from the 1860s to the 1990s in one carton. Involv...
36O*Wonderful assortment from the 1860s to the 1990s in one carton. Involves thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having joyful duplication in albums, stock pages, glassines, 102 sales cards etc. Searching will find nuggets of interesting value including some Columbian proofs, some errors and varieties. Worth the few minutes needed for thorough viewing.Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00
Price Realized: $650.00
Image #1 of auction lot #37: Hide and Seek. Four-part mishmash of classic and modern material. Plen...Image #2 of auction lot #37: Hide and Seek. Four-part mishmash of classic and modern material. Plen...Image #3 of auction lot #37: Hide and Seek. Four-part mishmash of classic and modern material. Plen...Image #4 of auction lot #37: Hide and Seek. Four-part mishmash of classic and modern material. Plen...
37O*Hide and Seek. Four-part mishmash of classic and modern material. Plenty of hidden value for the new owner to discover. Housed on sales cards, on sales pages, in glassines, and on old album pages, most items are identified by Scott catalog number, described, and priced. We noticed nineteenth and early twentieth-century definitives, commemorative and BOB, as well as stamps with noteworthy cancels, printing variations and more. Condition is mixed, usually with straight-forward indications of possible damage, wear and tear, etc. and a few items are marked as fakes. All in all, a useful grouping of popular material.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $425.00
Image #1 of auction lot #38: United States useful collection from 1893-1970 in two binders on album...Image #2 of auction lot #38: United States useful collection from 1893-1970 in two binders on album...Image #3 of auction lot #38: United States useful collection from 1893-1970 in two binders on album...Image #4 of auction lot #38: United States useful collection from 1893-1970 in two binders on album...
38O*United States useful collection from 1893-1970 in two binders on album pages in a medium box. Incorporates hundreds and hundreds of mostly mint but also used stamps in full, partial sets, singles, and souvenir sheets. A terrific bread and butter collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $475.00
Image #1 of auction lot #39: Two cartons of plate blocks from the 1930’s to the 22-cent era.  Issue...Image #2 of auction lot #39: Two cartons of plate blocks from the 1930’s to the 22-cent era.  Issue...Image #3 of auction lot #39: Two cartons of plate blocks from the 1930’s to the 22-cent era.  Issue...Image #4 of auction lot #39: Two cartons of plate blocks from the 1930’s to the 22-cent era.  Issue...
39*Two cartons of plate blocks from the 1930’s to the 22-cent era. Issues are often duplicated or occasionally absent, but the collection is substantially complete for the time period. A last-minute consignment so no time for a face count – bring your calculator and be the judge yourself.Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00
Price Realized: $850.00
Image #1 of auction lot #40: Over 200 mostly different Private Die Proprietary stamps identified on...Image #2 of auction lot #40: Over 200 mostly different Private Die Proprietary stamps identified on...Image #3 of auction lot #40: Over 200 mostly different Private Die Proprietary stamps identified on...Image #4 of auction lot #40: Over 200 mostly different Private Die Proprietary stamps identified on...
40O*Over 200 mostly different Private Die Proprietary stamps identified on hingeless pages. These popular and colorful stamps are in above average condition and are sure to attract aggressive bidding so don’t let this one get away. All 17 pages have been scanned for your viewing pleasure.Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00
Price Realized: $2,100.00
Image #1 of auction lot #41: Assortment from the late 19th Century to the 1980s. Involves a red box...Image #2 of auction lot #41: Assortment from the late 19th Century to the 1980s. Involves a red box...Image #3 of auction lot #41: Assortment from the late 19th Century to the 1980s. Involves a red box...Image #4 of auction lot #41: Assortment from the late 19th Century to the 1980s. Involves a red box...
41O*Assortment from the late 19th Century to the 1980s. Involves a red box containing about 600, 102 sales cards of mint and used stamps with duplication. Kind of a sloppy mess with a huge catalog value.Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00
Price Realized: $425.00
Image #1 of auction lot #42: Nine three-ring binders of 200+ US 8 cent to 29 cent commemorative pan...Image #2 of auction lot #42: Nine three-ring binders of 200+ US 8 cent to 29 cent commemorative pan...Image #3 of auction lot #42: Nine three-ring binders of 200+ US 8 cent to 29 cent commemorative pan...Image #4 of auction lot #42: Nine three-ring binders of 200+ US 8 cent to 29 cent commemorative pan...
42*Nine three-ring binders of 200+ US 8 cent to 29 cent commemorative panels, plus charter subscriber certificate and a #CP1 essay. Owners cat $6,250.Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00
Price Realized: $200.00
Image #1 of auction lot #43: Collection from 1847 to 1990 in a Scott National album. Comprises hund...Image #2 of auction lot #43: Collection from 1847 to 1990 in a Scott National album. Comprises hund...Image #3 of auction lot #43: Collection from 1847 to 1990 in a Scott National album. Comprises hund...Image #4 of auction lot #43: Collection from 1847 to 1990 in a Scott National album. Comprises hund...
43O*Collection from 1847 to 1990 in a Scott National album. Comprises hundreds and hundreds of mixed mint and used stamps in full, partial sets, and singles. Spotted Scott #1 used as well as several other nuggets. A good basic collection. Condition varies so, inspection recommended.Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00
Price Realized: $650.00
Image #1 of auction lot #44: An original mint with much NH holding of United States stamps in a fil...Image #2 of auction lot #44: An original mint with much NH holding of United States stamps in a fil...Image #3 of auction lot #44: An original mint with much NH holding of United States stamps in a fil...Image #4 of auction lot #44: An original mint with much NH holding of United States stamps in a fil...
44*An original mint with much NH holding of United States stamps in a file drawer. About 500 glassines which are all identified by Scott numbers and are in numerical order. Includes C1-6 set, E1, E2, #573, and 1053. Involves lots of three to five cents issues. Take a chance on me.Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00
Price Realized: $375.00
Image #1 of auction lot #45: Over five hundred cut squares in a Scott specialty album shingled used...Image #2 of auction lot #45: Over five hundred cut squares in a Scott specialty album shingled used...Image #3 of auction lot #45: Over five hundred cut squares in a Scott specialty album shingled used...Image #4 of auction lot #45: Over five hundred cut squares in a Scott specialty album shingled used...
45O*Over five hundred cut squares in a Scott specialty album shingled used and unused to the mid 1970’s. Earlies in somewhat mixed condition. Desirable items, cancellations and an accompanying stockbook make this group worthy of your attention. Inspect and enjoy.Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00
Price Realized: $550.00
Image #1 of auction lot #46: Collection of Duck stamps complete from RW1 to RW17. The 1st one is pa...46*Collection of Duck stamps complete from RW1 to RW17. The 1st one is part og , the 2nd is regummed and the rest range from disturbed og to NH. All Fine or better appearing.Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00
Price Realized: $425.00
Image #1 of auction lot #47: Interesting accumulation, mostly mint, of earlies to mid-century in gl...Image #2 of auction lot #47: Interesting accumulation, mostly mint, of earlies to mid-century in gl...Image #3 of auction lot #47: Interesting accumulation, mostly mint, of earlies to mid-century in gl...Image #4 of auction lot #47: Interesting accumulation, mostly mint, of earlies to mid-century in gl...
47O*Interesting accumulation, mostly mint, of earlies to mid-century in glassines and on pages. Includes Prexies blocks, booklets, airs, etc. An interesting mix with some good pickings in here.Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00
Price Realized: $350.00
Image #1 of auction lot #48: A helpful group of early used regular and revenue issues and an abunda...Image #2 of auction lot #48: A helpful group of early used regular and revenue issues and an abunda...Image #3 of auction lot #48: A helpful group of early used regular and revenue issues and an abunda...Image #4 of auction lot #48: A helpful group of early used regular and revenue issues and an abunda...
48O*A helpful group of early used regular and revenue issues and an abundance of mint and used Duck stamps on about 100 size 102 sales cards. The Ducks constitute the lion's share of the value. This is a useful selection.Cat. Value: S.B. 375.00
Price Realized: $400.00
Image #1 of auction lot #49: A clean collection of mostly mint hunting permit stamps in F-VF condit...Image #2 of auction lot #49: A clean collection of mostly mint hunting permit stamps in F-VF condit...Image #3 of auction lot #49: A clean collection of mostly mint hunting permit stamps in F-VF condit...Image #4 of auction lot #49: A clean collection of mostly mint hunting permit stamps in F-VF condit...
49O*A clean collection of mostly mint hunting permit stamps in F-VF condition on stock pages, in glassine, and in clear mounts on Scott Official pages.Cat. Value: S.B. 375.00
Price Realized: $400.00
Image #1 of auction lot #50: Mostly used selection of classics in fair to F-VF condition on album p...Image #2 of auction lot #50: Mostly used selection of classics in fair to F-VF condition on album p...Image #3 of auction lot #50: Mostly used selection of classics in fair to F-VF condition on album p...Image #4 of auction lot #50: Mostly used selection of classics in fair to F-VF condition on album p...
50O*Mostly used selection of classics in fair to F-VF condition on album pages, 1851 to mid-20th century. Has gaps, but some good finds also. Decent airs. Take a look for the items to fill your gaps. A bargain at our reserve.Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00
Price Realized: $220.00
Image #1 of auction lot #51: Thirty-two, two-sided page stock book of nineteenth and early twentiet...Image #2 of auction lot #51: Thirty-two, two-sided page stock book of nineteenth and early twentiet...Image #3 of auction lot #51: Thirty-two, two-sided page stock book of nineteenth and early twentiet...Image #4 of auction lot #51: Thirty-two, two-sided page stock book of nineteenth and early twentiet...
51OThirty-two, two-sided page stock book of nineteenth and early twentieth century U.S. with early commemoratives included. Delightful selection of banknotes and Columbians to the ten cent. Also #65 for cancellations and a nice bureau group. A page of Schermack’s adds variety. You will be pleased with the material in this lot. Inspect and enjoy.Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00
Price Realized: $200.00
Image #1 of auction lot #52: The Stuff of Dreams. One pizza box packed with an accumulation of asso...Image #2 of auction lot #52: The Stuff of Dreams. One pizza box packed with an accumulation of asso...Image #3 of auction lot #52: The Stuff of Dreams. One pizza box packed with an accumulation of asso...Image #4 of auction lot #52: The Stuff of Dreams. One pizza box packed with an accumulation of asso...
52*The Stuff of Dreams. One pizza box packed with an accumulation of assorted facsimiles, forgeries, and specimens of newspaper stamps. Features hundreds of items in glassines and on sales cards arranged on Lindner stock pages or hinged onto an old album page. We noticed singles, pairs, blocks, etc. with or without markings and cancels. If genuine, the stamps would have a huge catalog value. As they are here, they make great conversation pieces and can serve as instructional material.Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00
Price Realized: $600.00
Image #1 of auction lot #53: Large accumulation of precancels on dealer pages, stock pages and loos...Image #2 of auction lot #53: Large accumulation of precancels on dealer pages, stock pages and loos...Image #3 of auction lot #53: Large accumulation of precancels on dealer pages, stock pages and loos...Image #4 of auction lot #53: Large accumulation of precancels on dealer pages, stock pages and loos...
53O*Large accumulation of precancels on dealer pages, stock pages and loose. Tremendous variety of Bureau as well as private issues. Many thousands to go over. Minor duplication to be expected, but a perfect lot to develop into a collection this winter. Have a look, a very good deal at our reserve.Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00
Price Realized: $550.00
Image #1 of auction lot #54: Sportsman’s Delight. Compact compilation of around two hundred federal...Image #2 of auction lot #54: Sportsman’s Delight. Compact compilation of around two hundred federal...Image #3 of auction lot #54: Sportsman’s Delight. Compact compilation of around two hundred federal...Image #4 of auction lot #54: Sportsman’s Delight. Compact compilation of around two hundred federal...
54O*Sportsman’s Delight. Compact compilation of around two hundred federal and state Hunting Permit Stamps, late 1930s to 2000. Mixed mint and used, with some imperfections. Minimal duplication. Also includes a few prints. Nice variety.Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00
Price Realized: $250.00
Image #1 of auction lot #55: Unusual collection in a three ring binder of unused Tobacco, Cigar Cig...Image #2 of auction lot #55: Unusual collection in a three ring binder of unused Tobacco, Cigar Cig...Image #3 of auction lot #55: Unusual collection in a three ring binder of unused Tobacco, Cigar Cig...Image #4 of auction lot #55: Unusual collection in a three ring binder of unused Tobacco, Cigar Cig...
55*Unusual collection in a three ring binder of unused Tobacco, Cigar Cigarette and Snuff Revenue stamps on specialist pages. Fine or better condition. We counted at least 400 different. An excellent, well filled addition to any Revenue collection. Have a look.Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00
Price Realized: $450.00
Image #1 of auction lot #56: Dealer stock “Duck” accumulation in a medium box. There are modern min...Image #2 of auction lot #56: Dealer stock “Duck” accumulation in a medium box. There are modern min...Image #3 of auction lot #56: Dealer stock “Duck” accumulation in a medium box. There are modern min...Image #4 of auction lot #56: Dealer stock “Duck” accumulation in a medium box. There are modern min...56O*Dealer stock “Duck” accumulation in a medium box. There are modern mint issues of $300.00+ face. Likewise involves roughly $1,000 priced material on sales pages or cards as well as hundreds of used quackers. Useful offering.Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00
Price Realized: $375.00
Image #1 of auction lot #57: Selection in two banker boxes. In one box are commemorative panels fro...Image #2 of auction lot #57: Selection in two banker boxes. In one box are commemorative panels fro...Image #3 of auction lot #57: Selection in two banker boxes. In one box are commemorative panels fro...Image #4 of auction lot #57: Selection in two banker boxes. In one box are commemorative panels fro...57O*Selection in two banker boxes. In one box are commemorative panels from the 1990s having face of $343.00 and in the other box are souvenir pages from the late 1970s to the 1990s.Cat. Value: S.B. 230.00
Price Realized: $120.00
Image #1 of auction lot #58: United States hunting and fishing selection in three binders from 1923...Image #2 of auction lot #58: United States hunting and fishing selection in three binders from 1923...Image #3 of auction lot #58: United States hunting and fishing selection in three binders from 1923...Image #4 of auction lot #58: United States hunting and fishing selection in three binders from 1923...
58OUnited States hunting and fishing selection in three binders from 1923 to the early 2000s in a medium box. Involves roughly 200 stamps and licenses. One binder contains about fifty Wisconsin federal duck licenses from 1953-1991, from the same person also having some with tape as well as fishing from the 1990s. The second binder involves state and federal licenses from Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas for duck and fishing. The third binder entails mainly used fishing stamps for Michigan, California, Missouri, and Tennessee.Cat. Value: S.B. 200.00
Price Realized: $280.00
Image #1 of auction lot #59: Six-Cent Eagle Bicolored Airmail. Thirteen-page specialized study of U...Image #2 of auction lot #59: Six-Cent Eagle Bicolored Airmail. Thirteen-page specialized study of U...Image #3 of auction lot #59: Six-Cent Eagle Bicolored Airmail. Thirteen-page specialized study of U...Image #4 of auction lot #59: Six-Cent Eagle Bicolored Airmail. Thirteen-page specialized study of U...
59O*Six-Cent Eagle Bicolored Airmail. Thirteen-page specialized study of U.S. Scott C23. Contains a few hundred mint or used singles, plate number singles, pairs, blocks of four, marginal blocks of four, singles with selvage, central guide line blocks, imprint blocks, etc. Attention is paid to color or shade variation and plate differences. Ready for expansion and refinement with additional philatelic material.Cat. Value: S.B. 75.00
Price Realized: $50.00
Image #1 of auction lot #60: United Nations collection from 1951-2010 in four cartons. Comprise tho...Image #2 of auction lot #60: United Nations collection from 1951-2010 in four cartons. Comprise tho...Image #3 of auction lot #60: United Nations collection from 1951-2010 in four cartons. Comprise tho...Image #4 of auction lot #60: United Nations collection from 1951-2010 in four cartons. Comprise tho...
60*FDCUnited Nations collection from 1951-2010 in four cartons. Comprise thousands of mint stamps in singles, block of fours, souvenir sheets and FDCs organized on pages in forty-six binders. Includes New York, Austrian, and Swiss Offices. Very useful, nice collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 1500.00
Price Realized: $800.00
Image #1 of auction lot #61: Accumulation in four heavy cartons to the late 1990s. Entails mint sta...Image #2 of auction lot #61: Accumulation in four heavy cartons to the late 1990s. Entails mint sta...Image #3 of auction lot #61: Accumulation in four heavy cartons to the late 1990s. Entails mint sta...Image #4 of auction lot #61: Accumulation in four heavy cartons to the late 1990s. Entails mint sta...61O*CVAccumulation in four heavy cartons to the late 1990s. Entails mint stamps, sheets, souvenir folders, and postal stationery having lots of duplication. Looks like a lot of it is still as received. High original acquisition costs.Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00
Price Realized: $290.00
Image #1 of auction lot #62: Calling all United Nations aficionados. Massive accumulation from the ...Image #2 of auction lot #62: Calling all United Nations aficionados. Massive accumulation from the ...Image #3 of auction lot #62: Calling all United Nations aficionados. Massive accumulation from the ...Image #4 of auction lot #62: Calling all United Nations aficionados. Massive accumulation from the ...
62O*CVCalling all United Nations aficionados. Massive accumulation from the 1950s to the 1990s in eight cartons. Comprises thousands and thousands of mostly mint stamps in binders, albums, stock pages, and glassines having lots of duplication. Likewise incorporates untold thousands and thousands of common FDCs, commercial covers, and postal stationery having beaucoup duplication. Needs to find a new home ASAP.Cat. Value: S.B. 150.00
Price Realized: $150.00
Image #1 of auction lot #63: Collection from 1951-2000 in three Scott albums in one carton. Appears...Image #2 of auction lot #63: Collection from 1951-2000 in three Scott albums in one carton. Appears...Image #3 of auction lot #63: Collection from 1951-2000 in three Scott albums in one carton. Appears...Image #4 of auction lot #63: Collection from 1951-2000 in three Scott albums in one carton. Appears...
63*Collection from 1951-2000 in three Scott albums in one carton. Appears mostly complete having mint and most NH full sets, singles, souvenir sheets and booklets for New York, Geneva, and Vienna offices.Cat. Value: S.B. 150.00
Price Realized: $80.00
COLLECTIONS, ACCUMULATIONS, AND STOCKS — United States and General Foreign
Image #1 of auction lot #64: US & General Foreign stock on about 400 102 size sales cards never off...Image #2 of auction lot #64: US & General Foreign stock on about 400 102 size sales cards never off...Image #3 of auction lot #64: US & General Foreign stock on about 400 102 size sales cards never off...Image #4 of auction lot #64: US & General Foreign stock on about 400 102 size sales cards never off...
64O*US & General Foreign stock on about 400 102 size sales cards never offered for sale, all medium to better material set up for easy resale. Plenty of British and French colonies and a bunch of meaningful U.S. mint and used. Material covers early and modern. Plenty of NH items. A variety of items with minimal duplication useful to both dealers and collectors.Cat. Value: Cat. 15500.00
Price Realized: $1,300.00
Image #1 of auction lot #65: Collection of a couple thousand different, mounted in two volumes of t...Image #2 of auction lot #65: Collection of a couple thousand different, mounted in two volumes of t...Image #3 of auction lot #65: Collection of a couple thousand different, mounted in two volumes of t...Image #4 of auction lot #65: Collection of a couple thousand different, mounted in two volumes of t...
65O*Collection of a couple thousand different, mounted in two volumes of the Scott International airpost albums 1936 edition in one carton. There are many beautiful sets that are complete and others that need some work. An attractive collection that begs to be worked on by an avid back of the book collector. You will need to set aside a good amount of time to give this selection the attention it deserves. Copious photos tell the story.Cat. Value: S.B. 9000.00
Price Realized: $0.00
Image #1 of auction lot #66: Two cubes of album collections, about half being US. Strong in Canada,...Image #2 of auction lot #66: Two cubes of album collections, about half being US. Strong in Canada,...Image #3 of auction lot #66: Two cubes of album collections, about half being US. Strong in Canada,...Image #4 of auction lot #66: Two cubes of album collections, about half being US. Strong in Canada,...
66O*Two cubes of album collections, about half being US. Strong in Canada, Latin America, plus some Germany. Latin America is mainly mid-century, including a nice Chile #C124 sheet-always a favorite of ours. United States includes a well filled album of postal stationery from the 1950’s.Cat. Value: S.B. 1750.00
Price Realized: $700.00
Image #1 of auction lot #67: Well filled International Part I A-Z. Owner says 20,000 stamps, and we...Image #2 of auction lot #67: Well filled International Part I A-Z. Owner says 20,000 stamps, and we...Image #3 of auction lot #67: Well filled International Part I A-Z. Owner says 20,000 stamps, and we...Image #4 of auction lot #67: Well filled International Part I A-Z. Owner says 20,000 stamps, and we...
67O*Well filled International Part I A-Z. Owner says 20,000 stamps, and we tend to agree. Lots of lower to middle values singles, sets and etc. waiting to be mined or sold as folder lots. Have a look, lots to see.Cat. Value: S.B. 1500.00
Price Realized: $750.00
Image #1 of auction lot #68: Dealer’s stock on about 500 102-size sales cards never offered for sal...Image #2 of auction lot #68: Dealer’s stock on about 500 102-size sales cards never offered for sal...Image #3 of auction lot #68: Dealer’s stock on about 500 102-size sales cards never offered for sal...Image #4 of auction lot #68: Dealer’s stock on about 500 102-size sales cards never offered for sal...
68O*Dealer’s stock on about 500 102-size sales cards never offered for sale. All medium to better material. Set up for easy resale or to fill your gaps. Spend some time looking through this lot.Cat. Value: S.B. 1350.00
Price Realized: $1,050.00
Image #1 of auction lot #69: Selection from various decades of the 20th Century in fourteen cartons...Image #2 of auction lot #69: Selection from various decades of the 20th Century in fourteen cartons...Image #3 of auction lot #69: Selection from various decades of the 20th Century in fourteen cartons...Image #4 of auction lot #69: Selection from various decades of the 20th Century in fourteen cartons...
69O*CVSelection from various decades of the 20th Century in fourteen cartons. Tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having duplication. Encompasses Canada mint booklets from the 1980s to the 2000s as well as some ducks in one carton and worldwide new issues from the 1960s to the 1980s having a fair showing of Asia in another carton. Likewise includes about fifteen pounds of off paper mixture sorted into file folders by country in a carton and two cartons of Israel in albums involving Lighthouse hingeless, Minkus, and other brand albums. Rounding out this offering are three cartons of “mystery” material in various storage devices and four cartons of modern United States FDC's and postal stationery. SHIPPING BY FREIGHT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED..Cat. Value: S.B. 1200.00
Price Realized: $1,350.00
Image #1 of auction lot #70: Accumulation from the late 19th Century to the 1990s in two cartons. I...Image #2 of auction lot #70: Accumulation from the late 19th Century to the 1990s in two cartons. I...Image #3 of auction lot #70: Accumulation from the late 19th Century to the 1990s in two cartons. I...Image #4 of auction lot #70: Accumulation from the late 19th Century to the 1990s in two cartons. I...
70O*Accumulation from the late 19th Century to the 1990s in two cartons. Incorporates thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having some interesting duplication in binders, albums, stockbooks, and six pizza size boxes containing material mostly in glassines or loose. Needs to find a new, caring home.Cat. Value: S.B. 1150.00
Price Realized: $600.00
Image #1 of auction lot #71: Assortment in seven cartons. Value is in the United States collection ...Image #2 of auction lot #71: Assortment in seven cartons. Value is in the United States collection ...Image #3 of auction lot #71: Assortment in seven cartons. Value is in the United States collection ...Image #4 of auction lot #71: Assortment in seven cartons. Value is in the United States collection ...
71O*Assortment in seven cartons. Value is in the United States collection in White Ace albums with slipcases from the 1950s to 1999 having around $2,800 face. Tagging along also in White Ace albums are collections from the United Nations 1951 to late 1990s, Vatican, Israel, and Ryukyus basic holdings to the 1980s. If you like US postage, this lot might be for you.Cat. Value: S.B. 1050.00
Price Realized: $1,600.00
Image #1 of auction lot #72: A fascinating collection of several thousand forgeries. Includes both ...Image #2 of auction lot #72: A fascinating collection of several thousand forgeries. Includes both ...Image #3 of auction lot #72: A fascinating collection of several thousand forgeries. Includes both ...Image #4 of auction lot #72: A fascinating collection of several thousand forgeries. Includes both ...
72O*A fascinating collection of several thousand forgeries. Includes both philatelic and postal with a few covers as examples. They run from laughable to dangerous. A wide variety of forgers are represented like the most prolific to the lesser known. A few notables are Fournier, Spirati, Kihei, Scott, Senf, etc.. Many items here are frequently encountered along with many much less so. Probably the most extensive group of these we’ve ever handled.Cat. Value: S.B. 1000.00
Price Realized: $1,150.00
Image #1 of auction lot #73: FREIGHT SHIPPING REQUIRED From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United St...Image #2 of auction lot #73: FREIGHT SHIPPING REQUIRED From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United St...Image #3 of auction lot #73: FREIGHT SHIPPING REQUIRED From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United St...Image #4 of auction lot #73: FREIGHT SHIPPING REQUIRED From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United St...
73O*FREIGHT SHIPPING REQUIRED From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide accumulation from roughly the late 19th Century to the 1980s in eighteen cartons on a pallet. Includes tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having plenty of duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, glassines, album, stock pages, red boxes, folders, and envelopes. Contains lots of US low value postage involving plate blocks and scrap. A desirable holding.Cat. Value: S.B. 950.00
Price Realized: $3,000.00
Image #1 of auction lot #74: Mind boggling accumulation of several thousand fakes, reprints, locals...Image #2 of auction lot #74: Mind boggling accumulation of several thousand fakes, reprints, locals...Image #3 of auction lot #74: Mind boggling accumulation of several thousand fakes, reprints, locals...Image #4 of auction lot #74: Mind boggling accumulation of several thousand fakes, reprints, locals...
74O*Mind boggling accumulation of several thousand fakes, reprints, locals and Cinderellas. Disheveled mounted on pages, on stock pages and loose. Great lot for the specialist to sort through to pluck the highlights like complete sheets, covers, varieties and seldom scene items. Lots of trading material to use as collateral with other like minded collectors. A hard lot to duplicate.Cat. Value: S.B. 900.00
Price Realized: $1,250.00
Image #1 of auction lot #75: Two cube boxes of albums and stock pages of worldwide. We noted some u...Image #2 of auction lot #75: Two cube boxes of albums and stock pages of worldwide. We noted some u...Image #3 of auction lot #75: Two cube boxes of albums and stock pages of worldwide. We noted some u...Image #4 of auction lot #75: Two cube boxes of albums and stock pages of worldwide. We noted some u...
75O*Two cube boxes of albums and stock pages of worldwide. We noted some unusual multiples of Paraguay, Uruguay and Mauritius. Earlies to modern.Cat. Value: S.B. 850.00
Price Realized: $375.00
Image #1 of auction lot #76: Pallet of twenty-one cartons consisting of United States and worldwide...Image #2 of auction lot #76: Pallet of twenty-one cartons consisting of United States and worldwide...Image #3 of auction lot #76: Pallet of twenty-one cartons consisting of United States and worldwide...Image #4 of auction lot #76: Pallet of twenty-one cartons consisting of United States and worldwide...
76O*CVPallet of twenty-one cartons consisting of United States and worldwide accumulation from the late 19th Century to the early 2000s. Comprises tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having plenty of duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, glassines, stock, manila counter, album pages, envelopes, sheets of French Independent Africa from the 1960s etc. Likewise includes FDCs, commercial covers, postal stationery, and postcards. A terrific lot for the market makers. FREIGHT SHIPPING ONLY.Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00
Price Realized: $1,450.00
Image #1 of auction lot #77: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide aggrega...Image #2 of auction lot #77: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide aggrega...Image #3 of auction lot #77: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide aggrega...Image #4 of auction lot #77: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide aggrega...
77O*From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide aggregation from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in thirteen cartons. Entails tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having favorable duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, glassines, album and stock pages. US postage is sprinkled throughout making this a tempting lot. You will not go wrong bidding and winning this selection.Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00
Price Realized: $1,500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #78: Directly from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and s...Image #2 of auction lot #78: Directly from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and s...Image #3 of auction lot #78: Directly from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and s...Image #4 of auction lot #78: Directly from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and s...
78O*Directly from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and some worldwide grouping from the late 19th Century to the 1970s in eleven cartons. Entails tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having plenty of duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, glassines, album, stock pages, folder collections, and envelopes. Lots of US low value postage which is sprinkled throughout including sheets, plate blocks, and scrap. Winning this lot might put a permanent smile on your face.Cat. Value: S.B. 700.00
Price Realized: $1,600.00
Image #1 of auction lot #79: Tossed Philatelic Salad. Accumulation of old dealer stock from a wide ...Image #2 of auction lot #79: Tossed Philatelic Salad. Accumulation of old dealer stock from a wide ...Image #3 of auction lot #79: Tossed Philatelic Salad. Accumulation of old dealer stock from a wide ...Image #4 of auction lot #79: Tossed Philatelic Salad. Accumulation of old dealer stock from a wide ...
79O*Tossed Philatelic Salad. Accumulation of old dealer stock from a wide range of time periods and locations. We noticed colorful topical singles and sets, definitives and commemoratives from familiar and lesser known countries and classic material. Thousands of stamps in mainly F-VF condition. Most items are identified by Scott catalog number and marked with an out-of-date retail value. Good mix with plenty of charm and potential.Cat. Value: S.B. 700.00
Price Realized: $950.00
Image #1 of auction lot #80: Two cube boxes with pizza boxes and collector’s boxes of glassines, sa...Image #2 of auction lot #80: Two cube boxes with pizza boxes and collector’s boxes of glassines, sa...Image #3 of auction lot #80: Two cube boxes with pizza boxes and collector’s boxes of glassines, sa...Image #4 of auction lot #80: Two cube boxes with pizza boxes and collector’s boxes of glassines, sa...
80O*Two cube boxes with pizza boxes and collector’s boxes of glassines, sales cards and pages of worldwide material. Includes also US with a selection of Prexie precancels. Poke through this one, there is lots to see.Cat. Value: S.B. 700.00
Price Realized: $300.00
Image #1 of auction lot #81: Two cubes of albums and stock books. United States on White Ace pages ...Image #2 of auction lot #81: Two cubes of albums and stock books. United States on White Ace pages ...Image #3 of auction lot #81: Two cubes of albums and stock books. United States on White Ace pages ...Image #4 of auction lot #81: Two cubes of albums and stock books. United States on White Ace pages ...
81O*Two cubes of albums and stock books. United States on White Ace pages in three ring binders, and a decent Netherlands and colonies collection are the strongest.Cat. Value: S.B. 700.00
Price Realized: $550.00
Image #1 of auction lot #82: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide holding...Image #2 of auction lot #82: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide holding...Image #3 of auction lot #82: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide holding...Image #4 of auction lot #82: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide holding...
82O*From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide holding roughly from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in twelve cartons. Includes thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having beneficial duplication mainly in albums, binders, and stockbooks. You will find low value US postage interspersed throughout. Tailor made for the philatelic entrepreneur.Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00
Price Realized: $1,250.00
Image #1 of auction lot #83: Direct from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and som...Image #2 of auction lot #83: Direct from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and som...Image #3 of auction lot #83: Direct from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and som...Image #4 of auction lot #83: Direct from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and som...
83O*Direct from the Red Bird Estate Part III, mainly United States and some worldwide assortment from the late 19th Century to the 1990s in eleven cartons. Incorporates tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, red boxes, counter books, stock, album pages, and glassines. Contains lots of US postage low values including three, four, five cents, etc. in plate blocks, some sheets, and scrap. Suitable for the individual who likes to market this type of material.Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00
Price Realized: $1,200.00
Image #1 of auction lot #84: United States and some worldwide selection in four cartons. Most of th...Image #2 of auction lot #84: United States and some worldwide selection in four cartons. Most of th...Image #3 of auction lot #84: United States and some worldwide selection in four cartons. Most of th...Image #4 of auction lot #84: United States and some worldwide selection in four cartons. Most of th...
84O*CVUnited States and some worldwide selection in four cartons. Most of the value is in the United States consisting of roughly $1,500.00 face in 3 to 5 cent sheets in nine file folders and six file holders and sixteen large envelopes containing 13 to 50 cents commemorative, definitive and airmail plate blocks. Likewise entails a small box of additional small plate blocks and scrap in glassines. Also includes around 700 noncacheted FDCs from 2001-2011 in albums plus miscellaneous. Rounding out this holding are several stockbooks and albums of hundreds and hundreds common worldwide mint and used stamps having duplication from various decades of the 20th Century.Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00
Price Realized: $800.00
Image #1 of auction lot #85: Six carton lot consignment as received. Includes a few Vatican collect...Image #2 of auction lot #85: Six carton lot consignment as received. Includes a few Vatican collect...Image #3 of auction lot #85: Six carton lot consignment as received. Includes a few Vatican collect...Image #4 of auction lot #85: Six carton lot consignment as received. Includes a few Vatican collect...
85O*CVSix carton lot consignment as received. Includes a few Vatican collections, Poland collection, U.S. postage, sparsely filled six volume Scott international collection, wholesale Russia, couple dozen little country collections in folders and more to dig through. Take a chance, you might get a good buy.Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00
Price Realized: $650.00
Image #1 of auction lot #86: United States and worldwide accumulation from the 1920s to the 1980s i...Image #2 of auction lot #86: United States and worldwide accumulation from the 1920s to the 1980s i...Image #3 of auction lot #86: United States and worldwide accumulation from the 1920s to the 1980s i...Image #4 of auction lot #86: United States and worldwide accumulation from the 1920s to the 1980s i...
86O*United States and worldwide accumulation from the 1920s to the 1980s in a medium box. Consists of hundreds and hundreds of mixed mint and used stamps having very useful duplication on album, counter, sale pages and sales cards. Strong in early airmails. Just what you have been looking for for your international collections.Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00
Price Realized: $425.00
Image #1 of auction lot #87: United States and worldwide aggregation from the late 19th Century to ...Image #2 of auction lot #87: United States and worldwide aggregation from the late 19th Century to ...Image #3 of auction lot #87: United States and worldwide aggregation from the late 19th Century to ...Image #4 of auction lot #87: United States and worldwide aggregation from the late 19th Century to ...
87O*CVUnited States and worldwide aggregation from the late 19th Century to 1990 in five cartons. Encompasses thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having beneficial duplication mainly in albums, binders, and baggies. Likewise includes an assortment of subscription FDCs as well as commercial covers and postal stationery which could be the source of some interesting postal history. Worth exploring.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #88: United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to th...Image #2 of auction lot #88: United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to th...Image #3 of auction lot #88: United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to th...Image #4 of auction lot #88: United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to th...
88O*United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in five cartons. Contains thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having plenty of duplication in albums, binders, glassines, stock pages etc. Combing through you will find a wide range of material that might just make you say, “I got to buy this lot!”Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $850.00
Image #1 of auction lot #89: United States and worldwide selection roughly from the late 19th Centu...Image #2 of auction lot #89: United States and worldwide selection roughly from the late 19th Centu...Image #3 of auction lot #89: United States and worldwide selection roughly from the late 19th Centu...Image #4 of auction lot #89: United States and worldwide selection roughly from the late 19th Centu...
89O*United States and worldwide selection roughly from the late 19th Century to the early 2000s in six cartons. Tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having useful duplication in thirty-five binders mainly arranged neatly by countries or areas in several albums. Incorporates a wee bit of beneficial United States postage too. Likewise includes miscellaneous envelopes, small boxes, glassines and loose. Worth time to inspect.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $700.00
Image #1 of auction lot #90: Entirely from the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwid...Image #2 of auction lot #90: Entirely from the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwid...Image #3 of auction lot #90: Entirely from the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwid...Image #4 of auction lot #90: Entirely from the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwid...
90O*Entirely from the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide accumulation from roughly the late 19th Century to the 1970s in ten cartons. Involves tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having abundance of duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, glassines, album, and stock pages. US low value postage is interspersed throughout including plate blocks and scrap. A heavy lot, have fun.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $1,050.00
Image #1 of auction lot #91: Aggregation from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in fourteen carton...Image #2 of auction lot #91: Aggregation from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in fourteen carton...Image #3 of auction lot #91: Aggregation from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in fourteen carton...Image #4 of auction lot #91: Aggregation from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in fourteen carton...
91O*Aggregation from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in fourteen cartons. Incorporates tens of thousands of common mixed mint, used, and CTO stamps having lots of duplication in albums some which are sparse but still useful, binders, and stockbooks. Ideal for bourse or internet sales.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $950.00
Image #1 of auction lot #92: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide selecti...Image #2 of auction lot #92: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide selecti...Image #3 of auction lot #92: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide selecti...Image #4 of auction lot #92: From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide selecti...
92O*From the Red Bird Estate Part III, United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in nine cartons. Involves thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, and red boxes. Encompasses some low values US postage in plate blocks and scrap. A most desirable lot.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $1,150.00
Image #1 of auction lot #93: Massive accumulation from the late 19th Century to the early 2000s in ...Image #2 of auction lot #93: Massive accumulation from the late 19th Century to the early 2000s in ...Image #3 of auction lot #93: Massive accumulation from the late 19th Century to the early 2000s in ...Image #4 of auction lot #93: Massive accumulation from the late 19th Century to the early 2000s in ...
93O*CVMassive accumulation from the late 19th Century to the early 2000s in thirteen cartons. Tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having plenty of duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, glassines, stock, counter, album pages, and envelopes. Includes a selection of modern worldwide first flights and event covers basically from the 1960s to the end. Suitable for bourse bargain boxes or internet sales.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $650.00
Image #1 of auction lot #94: United States and worldwide collections/accumulation in three cartons....Image #2 of auction lot #94: United States and worldwide collections/accumulation in three cartons....Image #3 of auction lot #94: United States and worldwide collections/accumulation in three cartons....Image #4 of auction lot #94: United States and worldwide collections/accumulation in three cartons....
94O*CVUnited States and worldwide collections/accumulation in three cartons. Comprises thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having useful duplication in full, partial sets and singles. Involves France in a Scott album 1850-1973, Ireland in a KaBe hingeless album 1922-1976, Mexico in a Lighthouse hingeless album 1934-1969, Brazil in a Scott album 1850-1960, and United States in a Minuteman album 1850-1968. Likewise includes British Royalty omnibus noncomplete issues in a White binder and pages 1937-1953 having about thirty-five 1948 Silver Wedding mint high values including Hong Kong, and Malaya States. Also, incorporates a stockbook of Hungary, three binders of Channel Island mint to the 1980s, roughly fifteen older APS worldwide circuit books, and 250 United States and Canada Golden Age and some linen postcards. A well-rounded lot needing a well-rounded buyer.Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00
Price Realized: $750.00
Image #1 of auction lot #95: Fourteen cartons of United States and worldwide philatelic potpourri f...Image #2 of auction lot #95: Fourteen cartons of United States and worldwide philatelic potpourri f...Image #3 of auction lot #95: Fourteen cartons of United States and worldwide philatelic potpourri f...Image #4 of auction lot #95: Fourteen cartons of United States and worldwide philatelic potpourri f...
95O*Fourteen cartons of United States and worldwide philatelic potpourri from various decades of the 20th Century having a concentration in the latter two decades. United States involves three heavy cartons of souvenir cards, two hefty cartons of Ceremony Programs 1960s-1990s, and two large cartons of used stamps in glassines. Likewise includes a carton of Austria black prints, other European black and white publicity prints, and six cartons of United States and worldwide on/off paper mixture in glassines or loose having tens of thousands of common stamps with duplication.Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00
Price Realized: $325.00
Image #1 of auction lot #96: Twelve carton United States and worldwide enormous assortment from the...Image #2 of auction lot #96: Twelve carton United States and worldwide enormous assortment from the...Image #3 of auction lot #96: Twelve carton United States and worldwide enormous assortment from the...Image #4 of auction lot #96: Twelve carton United States and worldwide enormous assortment from the...
96O*CVTwelve carton United States and worldwide enormous assortment from the late 19th Century to the early 2000s. Contains tens of thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having abundance of duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, glassines, stock, counter, album pages, envelopes etc. Interspersed throughout could be some useful covers. Readily saleable.Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00
Price Realized: $500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #97: One of our largest cartons filled with a beneficial consignment remain...Image #2 of auction lot #97: One of our largest cartons filled with a beneficial consignment remain...Image #3 of auction lot #97: One of our largest cartons filled with a beneficial consignment remain...Image #4 of auction lot #97: One of our largest cartons filled with a beneficial consignment remain...
97O*One of our largest cartons filled with a beneficial consignment remainder. Includes collections, stockbooks, old auction lots, etc. many items worth plucking out for stock or a collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00
Price Realized: $475.00
Image #1 of auction lot #98: United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to th...Image #2 of auction lot #98: United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to th...Image #3 of auction lot #98: United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to th...Image #4 of auction lot #98: United States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to th...
98O*CVUnited States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to the 2000s in ten cartons. Untold thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having ample amount of duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, and album pages. Likewise incorporates some interesting postal history. A bargain at our suggested bid.Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00
Price Realized: $500.00
Image #1 of auction lot #99: United States and mostly worldwide assortment from the 1880s to the 19...Image #2 of auction lot #99: United States and mostly worldwide assortment from the 1880s to the 19...Image #3 of auction lot #99: United States and mostly worldwide assortment from the 1880s to the 19...Image #4 of auction lot #99: United States and mostly worldwide assortment from the 1880s to the 19...
99O*United States and mostly worldwide assortment from the 1880s to the 1970s in three cartons. Incorporates thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having practical duplication mainly in albums, binders, glassines, etc. Contains a three-volume Europa old-style hingeless albums and a wee bit of United States low value postage. A most useful lot.Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00
Price Realized: $280.00
Image #1 of auction lot #100: US and some general foreign in several albums and covers. US is both m...Image #2 of auction lot #100: US and some general foreign in several albums and covers. US is both m...Image #3 of auction lot #100: US and some general foreign in several albums and covers. US is both m...Image #4 of auction lot #100: US and some general foreign in several albums and covers. US is both m...
100O*US and some general foreign in several albums and covers. US is both mint and used in Scott albums. Earliest is around the Famous Americans series but includes much modern US used. Have a look for both the postage that lurks and the folder lot potential.Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00
Price Realized: $200.00

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