| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
    41 TOTAL IMAGES | 1 | O | Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Around four hundred attractive items catalogued, described, and priced. Housed in seven six-ring binders. Mint and used definitives, commemoratives, and BOB offered as singles, sets, pairs, blocks, and plate blocks. Mainly F-VF and mostly pre-1930. Exceptionally clean lot with beneficial duplication. Tailor made for easy resale. Photos show selected highlights. | Cat. Value: Cat. 56000.00 Price Realized: $6,500.00 |
    34 TOTAL IMAGES | 2 | O | A high average catalog value manageable dealer stock on sales pages in four 6-ring binders; most have catalog values of over $50 each with little duplication. Strength is in both the early regular and BOB issues. Close review is recommended. | Cat. Value: Cat. 28880.00 Price Realized: $2,900.00 |
    42 TOTAL IMAGES | 3 | O | Opportunity Knocks. Well-rounded three-volume collection 1847 to 1978. Mounted in a hingeless SAFE Dual set of albums. Jampacked with collector-chosen material displayed in a sometimes jumbled manner. Features definitives, commemoratives, airmails, special deliveries, special handlings, and parcel posts. Represents a lifetime effort to acquire singles, pairs, blocks, plate number singles, booklet panes, printing oddities, noteworthy cancels, relevant labels, etc. Contains a mix of mint og, mint NH, and used, with many pencil notations on the album pages commenting on philatelic matters. The original owner also entered a Scott numerical grade for most items in his collection. We noticed occasional imperfections, but the stamps are predominantly F-VF. The list of highlights is huge and includes thorough representation of early imperforates, beloved nineteenth-century regulars, iconic commemoratives, Washington-Franklins, Farley special printings, C1-6, the Graf Zeppelin Issues, and more. An eye-catching compilation of U.S. stamps with an enormous total Scott catalog value. | Cat. Value: S.B. 21000.00 Price Realized: $14,500.00 |
    32 TOTAL IMAGES | 4 | O | Medium-Grade or Better Stamps on Sales Sheets. Approximately three hundred attractive items catalogued, described, and priced. Neatly housed in five mini-binders. Mint and used definitives, commemoratives, and BOB offered as singles, sets, blocks, and pairs. Mainly F-VF and mostly pre-1930. Exceptionally clean lot with reasonable duplication. Set up for easy resale. | Cat. Value: Cat. 14050.00 Price Realized: $3,250.00 |
    62 TOTAL IMAGES | 5 |  | The Product of an Independent Thinker. One hundred twenty years of U.S. philatelic treasures mounted onto cutdown Harris pages and packed into one bulging American Heirloom binder, 1847 to the late 1960s. Mostly mint, with only a few used. Over many years, the collector bought what he loved most in the U.S. philatelic scene and organized his stamps in the way that pleased him, all with memorable results. On the one hand, there is much to admire in this collection. We found page after page of singles, pairs, and printing oddities from the classic era, with many items having certificates. The list of highlights is huge and begins with Scott #1 and includes most of the early imperforates, numerous nineteenth and early twentieth-century regulars, the complete Columbian Exposition Issue, the complete Trans-Mississippi Exposition Issue, thorough coverage of popular early commemorative singles and sets, and long streaks of Washington-Franklins. The BOB shines especially brightly in this holding and features C1-6, the Graf Zeppelin Issue, the Baby Zeppelin, Parcel Post stamps, Special Delivery stamps, Hunting Permit stamps, Confederate States stamps, Official Mail stamps, Newspaper and Periodical stamps, Revenue stamps, Proprietary stamps, Documentary stamps, and Stock Transfer stamps. The overall total Scott catalog value is enormous. On the other hand, the collection is not without challenges and drawbacks. Occasionally, the arrangement of the stamps is haphazard, and the pages are overloaded and difficult to turn. Also, some items are in the wrong spaces. Finally, although the collection contains overwhelmingly attractive and collectable material, the nineteenth-century section is replete with evidence of missing gum, regumming, possible removed cancels, and reperforating. In close, this lot is worth a long, careful viewing by a similarly independent thinker who can see through any imperfections and recognize its desirability and potential use. | Cat. Value: S.B. 12000.00 Price Realized: $21,500.00 |
    38 TOTAL IMAGES | 6 |  | An exceptionally beautiful and valuable collection of mint stamps in black mounts in three White Ace albums with dust covers. The condition of the stamps is significantly above average. This is a show and tell beauty that is not to be missed. | Cat. Value: S.B. 12000.00 Price Realized: $13,500.00 |
  | 7 | O | About 100 United States mostly different primarily used 19th Century issues on a seven row two-sided stock page. Good selection for the variety of cancellations. | Cat. Value: Cat. 8370.00 Price Realized: $650.00 |
    10 TOTAL IMAGES | 8 |  | A useful stock of early mint stamps on about hundred twenty-five sales cards. Condition varies from just fine to better with much NH/LH. Some duplication of the lower value stamps. Some pairs included. A nice addition to your U.S. material. | Cat. Value: Cat. 6980.00 Price Realized: $800.00 |
    8 TOTAL IMAGES | 9 | O | A nice and valuable group of high average catalog value dealer stock, mostly fine or better mint and used, on over 120 sales pages in two six-ring binders. The majority have catalog value of over $150 each. Much power in earlies and BOB. Take a look and delight. | Cat. Value: S.B. 6000.00 Price Realized: $6,000.00 |
    32 TOTAL IMAGES | 10 | O | A neat bread and butter collection in two American Heirloom hingeless albums with dust covers. Early issues are mostly used in mixed condition but, many attractive items, including several with certificates, and later issues are mostly mint from the Columbians and thereafter to 1959. Airmails look well filled with a fabulous C15 NH. This collection carries a lot of value deserving of a close review. | Cat. Value: S.B. 4500.00 Price Realized: $6,000.00 |