Category Index

Public Auction #461

Click here for pre-auction bidding, ended November 15, 2024 at 6pm (New York time)
Click here for live auction, takes place November 16-17, 2024 at 10:00am (New York Time)
Click here for unsold lots, available November 21, 2024 at 2:00pm (New York Time)
Bids updated November 15, 2024 at 6:28pm (New York time)

Image #1 of auction lot #218: Dealers stock arranged in over a hundred 102-sized cards never offered...Image #2 of auction lot #218: Dealers stock arranged in over a hundred 102-sized cards never offered...Image #3 of auction lot #218: Dealers stock arranged in over a hundred 102-sized cards never offered...Image #4 of auction lot #218: Dealers stock arranged in over a hundred 102-sized cards never offered...218O*Dealers stock arranged in over a hundred 102-sized cards never offered for sale. All medium to better values in singles or sets. Mostly mint with much NH, and very little duplication Set up for easy integration into your stock.Cat. Value: Cat. 2400.00
Price Realized: $270.00
Image #1 of auction lot #219: Specialized collection of a few thousand in eight 3-ring binders repre...Image #2 of auction lot #219: Specialized collection of a few thousand in eight 3-ring binders repre...Image #3 of auction lot #219: Specialized collection of a few thousand in eight 3-ring binders repre...Image #4 of auction lot #219: Specialized collection of a few thousand in eight 3-ring binders repre...
219O*CVSpecialized collection of a few thousand in eight 3-ring binders representing eight different countries. Primarily 19th century issues featuring a wide variety of fakes, reprints and varieties along with some genuine counterparts. Intelligently annotated which is valuable information to the next owner. Looks like it was assembled many decades ago and partially disassembled since. great opportunity for the specialist.Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00
Price Realized: $1,400.00
Image #1 of auction lot #220: Sun, Fun, and Philately. One medium-sized box loaded with thousands of...Image #2 of auction lot #220: Sun, Fun, and Philately. One medium-sized box loaded with thousands of...Image #3 of auction lot #220: Sun, Fun, and Philately. One medium-sized box loaded with thousands of...Image #4 of auction lot #220: Sun, Fun, and Philately. One medium-sized box loaded with thousands of...
220O*Sun, Fun, and Philately. One medium-sized box loaded with thousands of mint and used stamps hinged or mounted onto an assortment of loose album pages or arranged onto stock pages, nineteenth century to 1990. Features singles and partial or complete sets in mainly F-VF condition. Includes, as they come, Argentina, Mexico, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Costa Rica, and more. Great coverage of common and intermediate definitives, commemoratives and BOB, with some more elusive material sprinkled throughout. Favorable opportunity to begin a new collecting area.Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00
Price Realized: $325.00
Image #1 of auction lot #221: Assembly of the unusual. Culled out of an old holding is everything Sc...Image #2 of auction lot #221: Assembly of the unusual. Culled out of an old holding is everything Sc...Image #3 of auction lot #221: Assembly of the unusual. Culled out of an old holding is everything Sc...Image #4 of auction lot #221: Assembly of the unusual. Culled out of an old holding is everything Sc...221O*Assembly of the unusual. Culled out of an old holding is everything Scott unlisted on auction pages, 104 size salescards and a stockpage. There’re reprints, overprint varieties, specimens etc. opportunity to add spice to your collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00
Price Realized: $450.00
Image #1 of auction lot #222: Two three-inch three ring binders with clean mint and used collections...Image #2 of auction lot #222: Two three-inch three ring binders with clean mint and used collections...Image #3 of auction lot #222: Two three-inch three ring binders with clean mint and used collections...Image #4 of auction lot #222: Two three-inch three ring binders with clean mint and used collections...
222O*Two three-inch three ring binders with clean mint and used collections of Nicaragua, Panama and Paraguay, some classic to modern. Fairly sparse pages, but well organized and ready for expansion. A fine start for your Latin America collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 90.00
Price Realized: $100.00