| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
    10 TOTAL IMAGES | 21 |   | Three Scott National binders with material from 1930s to 2011. All are mounted and spot checking indicates never hinged. Some better items among Farley’s and Famous Americans with owners postage total at $2,100. Ducks round out this selection with self-adhesives included. It will be of benefit to view this one. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1000.00 Price Realized: $1,000.00 |
    20 TOTAL IMAGES | 22 | O | Collection in four like new green Scott Specialty albums plus one like new Minuteman album. Part 1 houses regular issues 1847 to 1975, airmails 1918 to 1989, Special Deliverys 1885 to 1951, and Officials. Thereafter, mostly complete mint 1935 to 1970s. Second album includes some Canal Zone and Philippines, plus 22 mint $1 to $10 ducks 1943 to 1988. Third album houses postage 1975 to 1990. Fourth album houses almost 200 revenues with some decent $10 to $30 singles, mixed mint and used. The Minuteman houses a used collection of twentieth century. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1000.00 Price Realized: $850.00 |
    43 TOTAL IMAGES | 23 | O | Three cartons of U.S. collections in various stages of life. Some have a good amount of earlies others have more recent. Worth checking out. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1000.00 Price Realized: $1,900.00 |
    47 TOTAL IMAGES | 24 | O | The core of an Indiana collector’s U.S. collection/accumulation in a single carton. Spotted several highlights among the abundant lower value postage including (all mint) 630, C1-6, C10a, C13 and 234 plate strip of 4. Used highlights include C14 and a 5c 1847. An interesting group of Ducks also awaits the viewer and buyer. Valuable lot. | Cat. Value: S.B. 950.00 Price Realized: $1,250.00 |
    8 TOTAL IMAGES | 25 | O | Assortment of sales sheets, glassines, stock pages and a couple album pages. Better items in banknotes, plate blocks, officials, and other back of the book. Postal stationery runs the gamut from early used to recent unused. Close to a thousand items for you to peruse, notably, four new quality Palo albums to 1961. Some items in the thirties including Farley’s and souvenir sheets. Finally, eight Celebrate the Century hardbound books half are sealed and approximately over a hundred first day souvenir pages. You will need to set aside extra time to view this one. | Cat. Value: S.B. 950.00 Price Realized: $550.00 |
    10 TOTAL IMAGES | 26 | O | Collection in a Scott Platinum hingeless album to 1902 series. A great start to a collection with many better items like 14, 276A, 292 and good groups of pictorials and banknotes. The back of the book has better items among the officials. You will find this one suitable for continuation. | Cat. Value: S.B. 900.00 Price Realized: $700.00 |
    10 TOTAL IMAGES | 27 | O | Mostly used in approximately six hundred 102 size sales cards never offered for sale. Condition mixed with good catalog value in the nineteenth century. Helpful duplication and many better items throughout. Make extra time to view this group. | Cat. Value: S.B. 800.00 Price Realized: $550.00 |
    10 TOTAL IMAGES | 28 | O  | A specialized collection mounted on nearly 60 attractive homemade pages. Starts with the 1931 rotary press types and runs to Admiral Byrd issue. In between are a plethora of blocks, plate blocks, arrow blocks, coil line pairs, all both mint and used. Also, of note are FDC’s and interesting cancels. An in-depth holding sure to enhance an existing collection. | Cat. Value: S.B. 800.00 Price Realized: $750.00 |
    8 TOTAL IMAGES | 29 | O | From the Red Bird Estate Part II, ten carton assortment from the late 19th century to the 1990s. Contains thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, album stock pages, and glassines. Some useful collectible material throughout plus plenty of low value postage. Much of the material needs to be sorted. | Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00 Price Realized: $1,050.00 |
    22 TOTAL IMAGES | 30 | O  | Nineteen three ring binders and some boxes of glassines with extensive mint and used accumulation. Some classics, mostly mid century to modern. Lots of postage in here, but it is spread through the collection. As you look for it to make your bid, you’ll see some decent items that might fill your gaps. | Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00 Price Realized: $550.00 |
    14 TOTAL IMAGES | 31 | O | Collection in Harris albums, binders of commemorative panels, sparsely filled Heritage album, and a stockbook. Better material can be found plus interesting back of the book revenues, along with some duck stamps. Take your time going through this one and discover the more valuable items. | Cat. Value: S.B. 700.00 Price Realized: $500.00 |
    7 TOTAL IMAGES | 32 | O | A small group of US with better items including high value banknotes and early airmails. A couple complete sets and plate blocks add to the selection along with a mint sheet file with about a hundred dollars in postage. Postage and worldwide are part of the selection because it was not enough to run alone. Make time to view. | Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00 Price Realized: $600.00 |
    16 TOTAL IMAGES | 33 | O | United States large Banknote issue collection in a White Ace binder and slipcase. Over 200 used stamps having beneficial duplication with a variety of cancels. Also incorporates around sixty-five covers having a lot of fascinating advertising. A rare opportunity to own desirable material. | Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00 Price Realized: $900.00 |
    51 TOTAL IMAGES | 34 | O | Five cartons of U.S. shelf clearing containing stockbooks of modern used, repurposed software instruction binders containing loads of singles and plate blocks up to 18 cent denomination, USPS Year sets and mint stationery. More valuable items we spotted are over $250 face in modern ducks and a black box with proofs of the 1869 issue and other better, albeit in mixed condition. Lots of photos to guide your bid. | Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00 Price Realized: $600.00 |
    8 TOTAL IMAGES | 35 | O | Direct from the Red Bird Estate Part II, mainly United States selection from the late 19th century to the 1990s in eight cartons. Incorporates thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having useful duplication in albums, binders, stockbooks, album, stock, envelopes, glassines, and loose. Value is in the number of United States low value postage to be counted. Take time to view as you might get a good buy. | Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00 Price Realized: $950.00 |
    9 TOTAL IMAGES | 36 |   | United States Scott #702 50th Anniversary founding of the American Red Cross selection in a medium carton. Consists of mint stamps in quantity in sheets, multiples, and blocks having a plethora of plate numbers in a binder. Likewise includes around 200 event, ship cancel, commercial covers, and FDCs having a wide range of interesting cancels. A terrific opportunity for the Red Cross enthusiast. | Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00 Price Realized: $400.00 |
    11 TOTAL IMAGES | 37 | O | From the Red Bird Estate Part II, mostly United States assortment from the late 19th century to the 2000s in seven cartons. Contains thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having practical duplication basically in albums, binders, and stockbooks. Postage from low values to around thirty-nine cents constitute the value in this lot. Tagging along is a small offering of worldwide including Great Britain and France in two nice albums (see photos). A very desirable holding. | Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00 Price Realized: $900.00 |
    7 TOTAL IMAGES | 38 | O | Treasure Trove of Precanceled Stamps. Thousands of mainly bureaus from throughout the country, with a smattering of locals. Sorted by state in ziplock bags or mounted by state and city or town in two albums, a stockbook, and two folders. Not all areas are equally represented. Mixed condition, with occasional minor damage. Fascinating variety of large cities and small towns. | Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00 Price Realized: $350.00 |
    14 TOTAL IMAGES | 39 |   | Collection of US from #305 to the mid 1980’s in four SAFE hingeless albums put together by a very finicky collector. Sparse early, with LH OG #305, 352 (NH), some coils, #378, etc. Prexies, and many other nice sets. Clearly made up with an eye to centering and overall excellent condition. Albums are pristine and this collection is begging to be continued at the high standard it has attained. Have a look. | Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00 Price Realized: $450.00 |
    7 TOTAL IMAGES | 40 |  | United States better early mint plate block selection from the 1920s to the 1930s in a medium box. Roughly 150 pages in three counter books containing regular, commemorative, and airmail stamps appearing to have recent catalog values. Great lot for internet sales. | Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00 Price Realized: $450.00 |