SINGLES or SETS — France |
| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
 | 1285 |  | (2) 15c. unused filled thins appears VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 1050.00 Price Realized: $270.00 |
   | 1286 | O | (6a x2, 9b) two or three margin copies used on a small cover piece with Weiss cert. Fine | Cat. Value: Cat. 860.00 Price Realized: $42.00 |
 | 1287 |  | (80) 15c. Type II og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 675.00 Price Realized: $95.00 |
 | 1288 |   | (120) Rights of Man NH block fresh Fine | Cat. Value: Cat. 840.00 Price Realized: $50.00 |
 | 1289 |   | (121-123) Liberty and Peace issues NH blocks F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 1930.00 Price Realized: $300.00 |
 | 1290 |  | (141) gutter pair with number og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 150.00 Price Realized: $36.00 |
 | 1291 |   | (170) NH pane of 25 inclusion in top middle stamp o/w F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 750.00 Price Realized: $75.00 |
 | 1292 |  | (246) Le Havre overprint og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 600.00 Price Realized: $160.00 |
 | 1293 |   | (252) Type III NH block F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 560.00 Price Realized: $95.00 |
 | 1294 |   | (263) Arc de Triomphe NH block VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 320.00 Price Realized: $55.00 |
 | 1295 |  | (279) key value NH VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 160.00 Price Realized: $34.00 |
 | 1296 |   | (300a) block top two stamps og bottom NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 400.00 Price Realized: $55.00 |
 | 1297 |  | (329a-329d) stamps out of souvenir sheet NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 310.00 Price Realized: $36.00 |
 | 1298 |   | (347) high value NH block F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 320.00 Price Realized: $50.00 |
 | 1299 | O | (348, 348a) thin and thick papers used blocks F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 570.00 Price Realized: $60.00 |
 | 1300 | O | (624) used block VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 160.00 Price Realized: $26.00 |
 | 1301 |  | (624a) sheet of ten NH with gum bends and inclusions F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 700.00 Price Realized: $130.00 |
 | 1302 |  | (700-705) x4 NH V-VF set | Cat. Value: Cat. 245.00 Price Realized: $28.00 |
 | 1303 | O | (B11) Red Cross used block of six F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 360.00 Price Realized: $70.00 |
 | 1304 |   | (B74) pane or twenty-five NH two horizontal creases through perfs F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 437.00 Price Realized: $55.00 |