SINGLES or SETS — Canada |
| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
 | 1215 | O | (19) Cartier used fresh F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 225.00 Price Realized: $85.00 |
 | 1216 |  | (21a) perf. 11 ½ x 12 og fresh F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 350.00 Price Realized: $95.00 |
 | 1217 | O | (26a) perf. 12 used F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 1000.00 Price Realized: $400.00 |
 | 1218 | O | (29a) perf. 11 ½ x 12 used tiny thin F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 500.00 Price Realized: $48.00 |
 | 1219 | O | (34, 37, 38) imperf singles used F-VF | Cat. Value: S.B. 50.00 Price Realized: $38.00 |
 | 1220 |  | (42) perf. 12 og fresh F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 210.00 Price Realized: $28.00 |
 | 1221 |  | (43, 43a) both shades bright colors og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 825.00 Price Realized: $120.00 |
 | 1222 |  | (45) ten cent og good color F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 675.00 Price Realized: $80.00 |
 | 1223 |  | (47) fifty cent og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 400.00 Price Realized: $130.00 |
 | 1224 |  | (54) og fresh Fine | Cat. Value: Cat. 200.00 Price Realized: $26.00 |
 | 1225 |  | (57) 10 cent og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 175.00 Price Realized: $55.00 |
 | 1226 |  | (59) 20 cent og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 275.00 Price Realized: $28.00 |
 | 1227 |  | (62) $2 og Fine | Cat. Value: Cat. 1300.00 Price Realized: $400.00 |
 | 1228 | O | (63) three dollar Jubilee used F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 1000.00 Price Realized: $280.00 |
 | 1229 |  | (64) 4 dollar og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 1300.00 Price Realized: $550.00 |
 | 1230 |  | (65) $5 Jubilee og minor toning F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 1300.00 Price Realized: $550.00 |
 | 1231 |   | (66) ½ cent right pane of 100 some perf seps. o/w NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 3750.00 Price Realized: $210.00 |
 | 1232 |  | (73) Ten Cent Maple Leaf og good color Fine | Cat. Value: Cat. 600.00 Price Realized: $55.00 |
 | 1233 |  | (83) 10 cent og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 450.00 Price Realized: $46.00 |
 | 1234 |  | (84) high value F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 650.00 Price Realized: $210.00 |
 | 1235 |   | (85) NH block F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 400.00 Price Realized: $48.00 |
 | 1236 |   | (90A) NH block tiny bit of offset F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 360.00 Price Realized: $40.00 |
 | 1237 |  | (91) five cent Edward NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 800.00 Price Realized: $110.00 |
 | 1238 |  | (92) seven cent og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 225.00 Price Realized: $42.00 |
 | 1239 |  | (93) 10 cent og F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 400.00 Price Realized: $95.00 |
 | 1240 |  | (95) 50 cent Edward og glazed VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 850.00 Price Realized: $180.00 |
 | 1241 |  | (99) Champlain’s Home NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 210.00 Price Realized: $30.00 |
 | 1242 |  | (Ut #106x) experimental coil og F-VF | Cat. Value: Unitrade 300.00 Price Realized: $42.00 |
 | 1243 |  | (120a) Wet printing og VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 375.00 Price Realized: $55.00 |
 | 1244 |  | (122b) Wet Printing NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 600.00 Price Realized: $90.00 |
 | 1245 |  | (Ut #131iv) experimental coil pair og F-VF | Cat. Value: Unitrade 200.00 Price Realized: $55.00 |
 | 1246 |  | (133) NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 210.00 Price Realized: $32.00 |
 | 1247 |   | (141-145) NH blocks F-VF set | Cat. Value: Cat. 287.00 Price Realized: $32.00 |
 | 1248 |  | (158) Bluenose og Fine | Cat. Value: Cat. 225.00 Price Realized: $38.00 |
 | 1249 |   | (165,166) blocks with “Extended Mustache” varieties complete og bottom stamp NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 214.00 Price Realized: $36.00 |
 | 1250 |  | (180-182) strips of four with line pair and “Cockeyed King” varieties complete og outer stamps NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 380.00 Price Realized: $55.00 |
 | 1251 |   | (203) block top left is the “Broken X” variety og bottom stamps NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 280.00 Price Realized: $65.00 |
 | 1252 |  | (217-221) NH F-VF set | Cat. Value: Cat. 180.00 Price Realized: $50.00 |
 | 1253 |  | (217-222) ungummed plate proofs VF | Cat. Value: Unitrade 600.00 Price Realized: $170.00 |
 | 1254 |  | (217-222) ungummed plate proofs in blocks the 4 cent is oxidized o/w VF | Cat. Value: Unitrade 2400.00 Price Realized: $250.00 |
 | 1255 |  | (249-262) War NH F-VF set | Cat. Value: Cat. 173.00 Price Realized: $48.00 |
 | 1256 |  | (E2) NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 300.00 Price Realized: $44.00 |
 | 1257 |   | (E3) NH block of six F-VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 315.00 Price Realized: $48.00 |
 | 1258 |  | (MR2C) 20 cent NH F-VF | Cat. Value: Unitrade 540.00 Price Realized: $80.00 |
 | 1259 |  | (O262) NH VF | Cat. Value: Cat. 245.00 Price Realized: $34.00 |