| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
    30 TOTAL IMAGES | 451 | O | A fabulous old tyme collection housed in four binders with issues to the late 1950’s. Starts with a few dubious Cantonal issues but then really picks up with a helpful selection of the first Federal Coat of Arms into the Sitting Helvetias of the 1850’s and 1860’s. The Numerals and Standing Helvetias continue largely complete, as it is to the end in the regulars, semis, airs, dues and franchises. Begins all used, becoming mostly used in the mid 1850’s, continuing more and more mint to the late 1930’s then, primarily mint with much NH to the end. The notable officials are strong mainly used. Along the way you’ll be impressed with the myriad of shades in the earlies plus specialty material like railroad stamps, tete beche pairs telegraphs, hotel stamps, blocks, perfins, and margin markings. Truly a collectors collection in which remounting into first class albums will do wonders. | Cat. Value: S.B. 3000.00 Price Realized: $2,500.00 |
    13 TOTAL IMAGES | 452 | O | Switzerland assortment from the 1850s to the 1930s on black stock pages in a pizza size box. About 220 mainly used but also a few mint stamps. Most of the value is in the classics. Good for searching for cancellations or varieties. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1200.00 Price Realized: $1,050.00 |
    11 TOTAL IMAGES | 453 | O | Switzerland collection from 1859-1993 in a Scott Specialty album. Several thousand mixed mint and used stamps in full, partial sets, singles, and souvenir sheets. Good, strong starter collection. | Cat. Value: S.B. 800.00 Price Realized: $400.00 |
    6 TOTAL IMAGES | 454 | O | Collection of the 1862 to 1907 sitting and standing Helvetia issues arranged on Hagner pages in Scott order. Images of all stamps have been photographed. Excellent group to search for shades, cancels, plate varieties etc. Inspect and enjoy. | Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00 Price Realized: $425.00 |
    12 TOTAL IMAGES | 455 | O  | An attractive group with good value in the souvenir sheets and airmail covers and best indicated by the images. Take time to view. | Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00 Price Realized: $375.00 |
    | 456 |  | Switzerland franc NH accumulation from 2000-2008 in a medium carton. Owner’s accurate count of $1,196 face (SF). Terrific for resale or adding to your existing collection. | Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00 Price Realized: $450.00 |
    | 457 | O | A selection of thousands with many better items and complete sets. Huge catalog value and well worth your view. | Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00 Price Realized: $375.00 |
 | 458 | O | Over fifty stamps good for plating, shades, cancels, etc. A very high catalog value and a terrific buying opportunity for the Swiss specialist. Make time to view these. | Cat. Value: S.B. 375.00 Price Realized: $250.00 |
    5 TOTAL IMAGES | 459 | O | A very nice collection of over 200 tete-beche and se-tenant items. Includes pairs, strips, blocks and a few covers. F-VF throughout. Sure to enhance an existing collection or perhaps, start one. | Cat. Value: S.B. 250.00 Price Realized: $425.00 |
    8 TOTAL IMAGES | 460 |   | Switzerland assortment roughly from the 1960s to the early 2000s in a medium box. Encompasses hundreds and hundreds of mint stamps in full set, singles, and souvenir sheets having enjoyable backup. Many are still in their original glassines and holders as issued by the post office. Bonus is in the francs to count. Good buy at our suggested bid. | Cat. Value: S.B. 200.00 Price Realized: $850.00 |