POSTCARDS — United States and General Foreign |
| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
| 65 |  | Trolleys, Streetcars, and Incline Railways. Lifetime collection formed by a Louisiana gentleman who wrote two books about streetcars. Contains 487 all-different cards, housed in two albums. Organized by location and type of transportation. Most cards are from the United States, but foreign cards are included. Packed with elusive material. RPPCs and lithos. Mixed condition. Selected and arranged with tender loving care. A hard-to-duplicate topical effort. | Cat. Value: S.B. 2000.00 Price Realized: $1,600.00 |
| 66 |  | Worldwide Postcard Accumulation. Hoard of over 7,500 U.S. and general foreign postcards, loose and in albums. Plenty of topics represented, including nature, street scenes, notable buildings, humor, holidays, pretty women, romance, flowers, famous people, churches, art, regional costumes, religious events, and military life. Emphasis is on the pre-1930 time period. Lithos, linens, RPPCs, etc. Unused or postally used. Disorganized and in mixed condition. As a result of storage, some cards exhibit varying degrees of toning and are dusty and gritty. Should be of interest to collectors and dealers. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1500.00 Price Realized: $1,800.00 |
| 67 |  | Postcard Treasure Trove. Hoard of over 9,000 worldwide postcards and photos, with a focus on commercial and military ships and harbors. Plenty of other topics represented. Lithos, chromes, RPPCs, and much more. Unused or postally used. Includes hundreds and hundreds of photos of ships, boats, ferries, ports, etc., identified and occasionally explained. Overall clean and desirable, but disorganized and in mixed condition. Neatly packed up and ready for a new owner. Should be of interest to collectors and dealers. | Cat. Value: S.B. 900.00 Price Realized: $2,600.00 |
| 68 |  | Blacks on Worldwide Postcards. Small collection of 125 all-different cards with various representations of Blacks in the United States and abroad. Housed in one binder. Includes offensive, controversial images and negative stereotypes. Blend of mailed and unmailed cards in mixed condition. Uncommon material. | Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00 Price Realized: $290.00 |
| 69 |  | Five boxes of Continental picture postcards. A tremendous quantity for those interested in pictures from around the world through time. Worth exploring. | Cat. Value: S.B. 200.00 Price Realized: $325.00 |
| 70 |  | Over 750 United States and worldwide unused and postally used postcards consisting of Golden Era, linens, and chromes. Spotted roughly 75 cards from the Century of Progress. A holding as received. Check it out. | Cat. Value: S.B. 170.00 Price Realized: $75.00 |
| 71 |  | Out-of-the-Ordinary Popular Culture. Thirty postcards from the U.S. and abroad. From the fields of advertising, entertainment, religion, and world events. Unused and posted. Lithos, RPPCs, etc. First half of twentieth century. Housed in sturdy plastic sleeves. All items shown in photos. | Cat. Value: S.B. 80.00 Price Realized: $70.00 |