COLLECTIONS, ACCUMULATIONS, AND STOCKS — United States and General Foreign |
| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
| 230 | O | An intriguing accumulation in collections, loose collection pages, sales books, stock books. Spotted a high cataloging group of France, a couple batches of Netherlands and colonies, and even some U.S. postage to count. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1200.00 Price Realized: $950.00 |
| 231 | O  | An eclectic assembly of United States and General Foreign mint and used 19th and 20th century stamps, covers, post cards and even a slug of postage that will add a real number to the value. The group is contained in stock books, small collection lots and loose. Mostly lower value yet a little bit better items pops up. Great fit for the general accumulator looking for a good time. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1000.00 Price Realized: $1,150.00 |
| 232 | O | The strength in this group is the early US and Great Britain. The early US mint is no gum and there is mixed condition on the earlies. There is US postage to count and hidden treasure to be found so take some time to view this group. | Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00 Price Realized: $1,700.00 |
| 233 | O | United States and worldwide assessment in eleven cartons from various decades of the 20th Century ending mostly in the 1980s. Tens of thousands mixed mint and used stamps in albums, binders, manila folders, album pages etc. having enormous backup. Over five cartons consist of on / off paper mixture consisting of both US and worldwide. Terrific opportunity to be the kingpin of this type of material. Offered appropriately. | Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00 Price Realized: $950.00 |
| 234 | O  | Consignment balance filling three of our largest cartons. The collector was most active during the “hot time” of stamp collecting so, it looks like it came right out of the 1970’s and 1980’s. Includes many NH sets and souvenir sheets, 1st days both U.S. and worldwide, year sets, unused U.S. postal stationary, promotional offerings and subscription items, etc.. A clean group. | Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00 Price Realized: $400.00 |
| 235 | O | Dealer’s Delight. Two-part accumulation of worldwide mint and used singles and sets. Part One is a pizza box loaded with collectable stamps and souvenir sheets, identified and priced. Part Two contains medium to better-grade material mounted on stockpages or album pages. Lots of variety and topical appeal. Fairly well organized and waiting to be transferred to an existing retail stock. | Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00 Price Realized: $1,200.00 |
| 236 | O | An eclectic mostly United States accumulation in elementary and remaindered collections, over 20 pizza size boxes loaded with cheap used to potent postage. Also found was a mint several volume United Nations collection, a few simple General Foreign collections. Hours of valuable sorting entertainment for someone that has the time. | Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00 Price Realized: $2,400.00 |
| 237 | O | An international album moderately filled with additional stamps in a binder and on stock pages. Search for the better items. German area is the most complete. Well worth a careful look. | Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00 Price Realized: $950.00 |
| 238 | O | Six heavy cartons of mixed up philatelic mayhem from the old purchases of an "old trading post". Highlights include a few old albums and stockbooks, 10 pounds of on paper mix (mostly 1970s African Missions), old new issues semi sorted into country or area pouches, Stamps in glassines plus loose, and nearly $200 face in mint scrap US postage from the 1970s sprinkled throughout. Well worth the opening bid. | Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00 Price Realized: $1,350.00 |
| 239 | O | United States and worldwide accumulation in sixteen cartons from various decades of the 20th Century. Tens of thousands of common stamps in remaindered albums, binders, stockbooks, glassines, album, stock pages, manila folders, subscription items, etc. having enormous backup. Noteworthy for constructing bourse bargain boxes. A seller of this type of material will go gaga. A winter sorting fiesta. | Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00 Price Realized: $1,200.00 |
| 240 | O  | U. S. and general foreign floor sweepings, cranny cleaning and cubby hole discoveries from past purchase remainders. Kind of like a Spaghetti Western Lot with the good, the bad and the ugly all together. Kevin says "write it up and let it go, it's got lots of good stuff in it". It will now be up to the new owner to search and find. Whoopee! Make Your Day! It’s a mystery lot! Viewing recommended. | Cat. Value: S.B. 475.00 Price Realized: $550.00 |
| 241 | O | Accumulation of United States and worldwide thirteen cartons from the late 19th Century to various decades appearing to end in the 1980s. Comprises tens of thousands of common stamps in remaindered albums, binders, stockbooks, glassines, album, stock pages, manila folders, subscription items, plastic bags etc. having massive backup. Suitable for assembling bourse bargain boxes. A smaller version of a similar lot in this auction. Buy both lots and have a mas grande winter sorting fiesta. | Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00 Price Realized: $1,200.00 |
| 242 | O | Two Scott International albums to the mid 1940s plus a junior album. The two internationals are in very good shape. The collection is lightly populated with over a thousand stamps. Take some time to view this selection. | Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00 Price Realized: $350.00 |
| 243 | O | An eclectic holding of United States and General Foreign. Includes a group of very sparsely populated 1967-1974 Minkus pages and a small shoe box with miscellaneous foreign to use to fill said pages. United States includes a few late 1960’s year sets and ever infamous early 1980’s investment holding. There is some solid value being offered at today’s prices. | Cat. Value: S.B. 375.00 Price Realized: $550.00 |
| 244 | O | Consignment remainder assortment highlighted by some modest topical collections, small boxes of unsorted inexpensive worldwide, miscellaneous United States lower priced and postage. | Cat. Value: S.B. 375.00 Price Realized: $450.00 |
| 245 | O  | United States and worldwide selection in one carton. The best is Germany having owner’s count of 975 mixed mint and used in a stockbook from the 1880s to the Federal Republic. Encompasses stockbooks of United States accumulation having owner’s count also of 1,500 mixed mint and used and specialized two cent Columbian of Scott #331 of 185 used stamps having cancel types and frame and printing varieties. Likewise, stockbooks of Japan 187 mint and used and Switzerland 122 used both counted by the owner. Around forty worldwide covers mainly from the 1930s to modern including a 1922 China postcard, two small Lighthouse stockbooks of 224 mint and used having topical appeal, a new empty stockbook, and a slightly used Scott Specialty blank album and slipcase round out this eclectic offering. | Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00 Price Realized: $220.00 |
| 246 | O  | A consignment offered as received. Most of the value is in the United States, unfortunately the material is heavily hinged or stuck down. However, there are somewhat better Kentucky stampless covers. Other items worth mentioning is a Germany and areas collection. Also some 3¢ plate blocks, a couple of stock books with cheap stamps within and a few FDC’s and flight covers thrown in for a bonus. Condition is mixed and priced accordingly. | Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00 Price Realized: $750.00 |
| 247 | O | United States and worldwide accumulation from the 1870s to 1997 in one large and one medium cartons. Encompasses hundreds and hundreds of mixed mint and used stamps in several counter books, one small stockbook, #102 sales cards, old auction, manila stock pages, glassines, small boxes, and loose having appropriate backup. A few US items are dubious. Regrettably many items appear to have soiling from storage in a humid, tropical climate particularly on the storage pages. Enough useful material to be found from this holding but inspection recommended to come up with the right number. | Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00 Price Realized: $1,250.00 |
| 248 | O  | United States and worldwide assortment from the late 19th Century to the 1990s in five cartons. Thousands and thousands of basically common mint stamps in albums, stockbooks, folders, album, manila stock pages, etc. having backup. Includes some US subscription FDCs. Spotted a small offering of useful US postage. Plenty of material for constructing bourse box lots. A gambler’s paradise. | Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00 Price Realized: $750.00 |
| 249 | O  | An intimidating 17 carton assortment spread out on 16 linear feet on two tables, 5 hefty, damaged plastic tubs that will need to be re-boxed for shipping, and 2 bulbous cartons. Thousands and thousand of cheap stamp nested in all forms of presentation formats. The suggested bid of the lot is being offered matching its weight. | Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00 Price Realized: $1,050.00 |