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Public Auction #448

Click here for pre-auction bidding, ended August 20, 2021 at 6:00PM (New York time)
Click here for live auction, takes place August 21-22, 2021 at 10:00 AM (New York time)
Click here for unsold lots, available August 26, 2021 at 2:00 PM (New York time)
Bids updated August 20, 2021 at 6:20pm (New York time)

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51*A simple yet comprehensive 1909-1990 Christmas Seal collection. Includes imperfs, progressive color proofs, etc. Perfect appetizer for the holiday topical collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 150.00
Price Realized: $550.00
52***The entire United States group from a consignment offered as received. Highlights are a 1053 plate block and a tiny batch of high value postage.Cat. Value: S.B. 120.00
Price Realized: $270.00
53***(375//517) A hand selected grouping of plate number singles and a couple plate strips. Almost all are NH, clean, with a bit of duplication. Good lor for general collector of the ever-popular area.Cat. Value: Cat. 592.00
Price Realized: $160.00
54*An interesting assembly of EFO’s. Includes misperfs, color shifts, fold overs, imperf betweens, etc. Precisely what a savvy marketer is looking for.Cat. Value: S.B. 75.00
Price Realized: $800.00
55OAn ever popular precancel collection of a few hundred neatly arranged by city/state in a United States Bureau Print album. Almost all full and ready for another album. Also includes a Precancel Stamp Society, “Cat. of United States Bureau Precancel”, 5th edition reference pages thrown in for a bonus.Cat. Value: S.B. 75.00
Price Realized: $150.00
56OUnited States accumulation two cartons from the Dundee Estate. Thousands and thousands of common used stamps from the mid 20th Century onward with a musty patina having gargantuan backup in glassines. Please buy me as I need a new home. Offered to tempt you.Cat. Value: S.B. 40.00
Price Realized: $60.00
57ORevenues on paper some with handstamp plus ephemera. Take time to view the small but interesting lot.Cat. Value: S.B. 24.00
Price Realized: $55.00
58O*A powerfully compact ever popular Kim’s floor sweepings lot.Cat. Value: S.B. 2.00
Price Realized: $4,000.00
59O*Seldom seen mint and used Hawaii collection. Includes 1853 issues, numerals, then virtually complete up to 1899 issues. Also contains Officials, cuts squares, UE1, and some revenues. Condition is mixed as to be expected. One of the nicer groups we have offered in a while. A bit of literature thrown in for a bonus.Cat. Value: S.B. 1000.00
Price Realized: $3,500.00
60*Marshall Islands collection from the 1984-1999 in one carton. Comprises hundreds and hundreds of mint stamps in full sets, singles, and souvenir sheets neatly mounted in black mounts in three White Ace albums and slipcases. Appears about 95% complete for these years.Cat. Value: S.B. 200.00
Price Realized: $325.00
61O*CVThree cartons filled with a few starter collections, U.S. and U.N. 1st days, used stamps sorted into glassines, a bit of postal history, a nice two volume Elanor Roosevelt collection and a bit more.Cat. Value: S.B. 475.00
Price Realized: $500.00
62***A consignment offered as received. Includes a UN collection (no 38 sheet) in a Lighthouse Hingeless album, UN postage types on stock pages and mint sheet folders, plus $267.00 in high value US postage. Great prospect for the beginning collector.Cat. Value: S.B. 260.00
Price Realized: $220.00
63*United Nations collection from 1951-2019 in three cartons. Thousands of mint stamps in full sets, singles, souvenir sheets, booklets, and postal stationery in eight Scott Specialty albums and slipcases and two White Ace albums from the New York, Geneva, and Vienna Offices. Appears to be mostly complete. Excellent opportunity to own a neat collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 700.00
Price Realized: $1,100.00
64O*CVAn impressive group of U. N. material with the emphasis on covers. Has many U. N. binders including the UNICEF. Mint sheets, plates and proofs are part of this assemblage. An attractive holding to examine.Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00
Price Realized: $400.00
65*An extensive U. N. holding including a few collections some in blocks with additional loose material. All three issuing entities, New York, Geneva and Vienna, are present. A clean collection worth your time to view.Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00
Price Realized: $260.00
66O*CVCloset cleanout accumulation consisting of six cartons. Entails thousands of mostly mint stamps in albums including two hingeless, FDCs, covers, year sets with official FDCs, and souvenir cards. From all three Offices going into the 2000s. Enough material to last to the foreseeable future. Breakdown would be entertaining.Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00
Price Realized: $350.00
67O*United Nations closet cleaning assortment of eleven cartons. Thousands of mainly mint stamps in albums, on album page and lots of postage in glassines, FDCs, covers, year sets, souvenir cards, and several official FDCs. From all three Offices going into the 2000s. Also tagging along are hundreds and hundreds of common United States FDCs. Nicely set up for easy processing.Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00
Price Realized: $550.00
68*United Nations in in one carton from 1951 to 2001. Appears complete mint collection having full sets, singles, and souvenir sheets in White Ace albums. Includes one binder of FDCs.Cat. Value: S.B. 200.00
Price Realized: $110.00
69*United Nations New York Office collection from the 1951-1998 in one carton. Hundreds and hundreds of mint stamps in full set, singles, and souvenir sheets neatly mounted in black mounts in five White Ace albums and slipcases. Appears mostly complete for these years.Cat. Value: S.B. 200.00
Price Realized: $170.00
COLLECTIONS, ACCUMULATIONS, AND STOCKS — United States and General Foreign
70O*Stock put up on 102 size cards but never offered for sale. Well over 1000 cards all medium to better retail sale. Singles sets and part sets with little duplication and a fair amount of US included. Especially clean and fresh. Set up for easy retail. Have a look.Cat. Value: S.B. 7500.00
Price Realized: $8,000.00
71O*A huge collection of thousands in 19 International albums ending in 1980. Emphasis on Great Britain and colonies, but other countries are well represented. The majority are mint with many never hinged. Viewing this lot will be a delight.Cat. Value: S.B. 6000.00
Price Realized: $5,000.00
72O*CVA nuts to soup conglomeration offered as received. This was a last minute arrival so look this one over carefully.Cat. Value: S.B. 1600.00
Price Realized: $1,600.00
73O*United States and worldwide assortment roughly from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in three cartons. Contains thousands and thousands of mixed mint and used stamps mainly in albums, folder collections, and glassines. Noticed an unusual Schaubek two volume Togo hingeless album collection to the 1970s. Interesting variety of folder collections are processed to sell at a percentage of the marked prices. A tailor made holding suited to make you a profit.Cat. Value: S.B. 1100.00
Price Realized: $1,000.00
74O*Massive twenty carton accumulation of mainly common material. Heavy. Mixed condition. Consists of: old US and Foreign albums of a general nature, country groups, folder collections, shoe boxes of glassines and loose, album pages, on paper and off paper mixtures, and a wee bit of postage to count. Tremendous job lot to break down. Many possibilities. Lots of philatelic stuff.Cat. Value: S.B. 1100.00
Price Realized: $1,500.00
75O*United States and worldwide accumulation from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in sixteen cartons. Thousands of mixed common mint and used stamps having plenty of backup in sparse to moderately filled albums, binders, folders, glassines, small boxes, and loose. Includes a selection of US souvenir pages and United Nations. Terrific for building bourse bargain boxes.Cat. Value: S.B. 950.00
Price Realized: $1,050.00
76O*United States and worldwide collections/accumulation roughly from the late 19th Century to 2015 in six cartons. Thousands and thousands of mostly used stamps but also includes some mint having enormous backup. Involves a rudimentary US collection to the 1960s in a Liberty album. Also encompasses nine Scott albums with most of the bindings loose having countries ending in either 2014 or 2015 for Greece, Sweden, Switzerland, Malta, Israel, Japan, Ireland, Belgium, Norway, Italy, France, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Austria, and Germany. Likewise entails common on/off paper in small boxes, binders, envelopes, album pages, and folders. A lot ready to organize into resalable units.Cat. Value: S.B. 850.00
Price Realized: $1,700.00
77O*CVFour large boxes, two filled with covers the others stock pages, folders and old albums. From consignment as received. Take a look and discover a gem here and there.Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00
Price Realized: $550.00
78O*United States and worldwide selection in twelve cartons. Tens of thousands common stamps in albums, stockbooks, small boxes, glassines, album pages, folders, and loose having enormous backup roughly from the late 19th Century to the 1980s. Lots of material to build bourse bargain boxes or for some internet sales. Offered to tempt you.Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00
Price Realized: $1,150.00
79O*NO LOTCat. Value: S.B. 650.00
Price Realized: $0.00
80O*CVUnited States and worldwide accumulation in four cartons starting in the early 20th Century to decades afterwards. Thousands of mixed mint and used stamps in albums, folders, album, stock pages etc. having plenty of backup. Encompasses a starter Argentina collection, strong Spain collection, a carton of Hungary plus some FDCs and postal stationery.Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00
Price Realized: $800.00
81O*CVMany thousands of stamps in albums, stockbooks, glassines, a mint sheet file and loose pages. Duplication exists and many mint stamps some in blocks and mint sheets. Look for the interesting items and sort through the covers. An enjoyable lot to view.Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00
Price Realized: $900.00
82O*CVAn extensive collection with strong Israel and early UN. An accumulation of mint and used US and international albums that are moderately filled. A selection of dubious Hawaii included. Set some time aside to view this group.Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00
Price Realized: $750.00
83O*Ultimate reclaimer lot in seven heavy cartons. Five are dominated by US and World albums in various stages of remaindering. The other two feature stamps in glassines, on broken album pages, loose, etc. Sorted, semi-sorted, and just a mess. Over $400 face US in low value postage sprinkled throughout. Fun lot to explore at your leisure.Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00
Price Realized: $1,050.00
84O*Thousands of items in glassines, stockbooks, APS books, binders and albums. Many better items were spotted and there is a good amount of duplication as to be expected. Make sure to set aside time to view this group.Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00
Price Realized: $1,250.00
85O*CVAn eclectic accumulation of a couple starter collections, miscellaneous cheap mint and used stamps and covers. The light at the end of the tunnel is a stack of mint sheets, face $1440.00. Mostly 3˘ to 8˘ values plus a few more of the modern issue sheets and a bit of general foreign thrown in for a bonus. Easy lot to figure.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $900.00
86O*A hefty closet cleaning group. Includes remaindered collections, binders loaded with contemporary plate blocks, piles of postage, tons of cheap mint and used to sort out, and even a bit of foreign thrown in to spice up the lots. Hours of philatelic delight.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $2,000.00
87O*A large selection housed in Global albums as well as Scott, Minkus, Lindner and many binders. The albums are sparsely populated but the stockbooks are loaded with material. Better stamps throughout with a strong Newfoundland, German Berlin selection and modern New Zealand. Topical albums are included and some loose material. Great value to be mined from this useful assemblage.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $3,750.00
88O*Humdinger accumulation of United States and worldwide in nine cartons. Tens of thousands of common stamps particularly United States in glassines, stock sheets, album pages, binders etc. Massive backup that could make your head swim. A diamond in the rough is a Kennedy Memorial 1965 collection in four White Ace albums neatly mounted. Appears to be complete for the pages. Simply a mountain of material waiting to find a new, caring home.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $1,250.00
89OTen large carton run off from a large volume former brick and mortar dealer. Mainly old remaindered albums and collections with many still useful. Just a morsel of old US concentrated in a handful of albums put it in this category. Could easily be broken into country groups for internet sales.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $1,450.00
90O*An eclectic assembly of United States and General Foreign in all shapes and sizes. Includes both 19th and 20th century mint and used. Tons of philatelic fun offered for a reasonable price.Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00
Price Realized: $550.00
91O*CVUnited States and worldwide assortment in twelve cartons from a former brick and mortar dealer cleanout. Tens of thousands mint and used stamps having copious amount of backup from various decades of the 20th Century in remainder albums, stockbooks, binders. Includes a selection of mostly common US and UN FDCs. Suitable for reimagining into saleable internet or bourse lots.Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00
Price Realized: $1,200.00
92O*CVSelection of United States and worldwide in six cartons. Thousands and thousands of common mixed mint and used stamps from the late 19th Century to the 1980s having enormous backup in albums, binders, small boxes, glassines, plastic bags (having on and off paper), some common US FDCs, event covers, and souvenir pages etc. A lot which might be calling you to buy.Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00
Price Realized: $1,000.00
93O*CVA better group consisting of United Nations, United States, Peoples Republic of China, Denmark and additional foreign. There are three subscription Great Britain #1s as well as some PRC of which some may be reprints. The U.S. album contains plate blocks starting in the 1930's and ending around 1970. Useful selection worth viewing.Cat. Value: S.B. 425.00
Price Realized: $500.00
94O*Nine cartons of United States and worldwide accumulation consisting of tens of thousands of common mixed mint and used stamps having a plethora of backup. Includes glassines in red boxes, stock, album pages, other glassines, loose etc. starting mainly from the mid-20th Century to end. Designed for reimagining into saleable internet or bourse lots.Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00
Price Realized: $900.00
95O*CVUnited States and worldwide selection from the late 19th Century to the 1980s in five cartons. Thousands of mixed mint and used stamps having bountiful backup in albums, stockbooks, manila folders, album, stock pages, and loose. Spotted a small offering of Hawaii varying in condition. Also includes a holding of common US covers having a specialized assortment of meters from Gary, Indiana. Offered to tempt you.Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00
Price Realized: $750.00
96O*CVA group of US and Canada some earlies but mostly late twentieth century. Interesting covers, some US first day, first flight, Canadian covers and postal stationery. An accumulation that will appeal to dealer and collector. Worth a careful view.Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00
Price Realized: $500.00
97O*CVAn assortment of albums, stock pages, mint sheets and covers that can be mined for the goodies. It has early U. N. that includes some covers as well as three large international albums that are moderately filled and stock books. Some mixed condition on the earlies as to be expected. Worth viewing.Cat. Value: S.B. 375.00
Price Realized: $700.00
98O*CVA better assortment than normally encountered. Strong in Bulgaria, a Beethoven topical exhibit and a bit of postage. One of the surprises is a Great Britain #1 (Photo). Take a close look at this lot for other possible surprises.Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00
Price Realized: $350.00
99O*One man's world collection in Scott International albums covering the years 1840-1955. A few thousand stamps in aged albums: Part 1 and 2 circa 1947 and the others purchased in 1956. Some overlap in pages, but seems to be contiguous through early 1955. Clean pages in the International Junior style that could be the basis of a new vintage, mid-Century modern collection. Hard to find original condition albums like this that are worthy of continuation.Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00
Price Realized: $550.00
100O*An attractive holding of interest to a topical collector, among others. Part of the focus is on the U. S. Bicentennial with much of it coming from independent Africa. The other half of this group is in five full binders of basically modern material. Take your time looking at a few thousand mostly mint never hinged stamps, then make your bid.Cat. Value: S.B. 325.00
Price Realized: $230.00

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