SUPPLIES AND LITERATURE — Supplies and Literature |
| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
| 1 | O | Three of our heaviest cartons chock full of interesting Literature and useable almost mint supplies. Encompasses Vario sheets both used and never used, stockpages, a full carton of opened and unopened clear and black mounts in pre measured strips, stockbooks, and over a dozen titles of useful literature of a specialist nature. Over 100 pounds of material. See the webphotos. | Cat. Value: S.B. 200.00 Price Realized: $230.00 |
| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
| 2 | O | Four full heavy cartons of the supplies carried by an advanced collector over many years. Supplements, blank pages, new and lightly used stockbooks, binders, and even a few empty albums are all highlights of this very interesting lot. | Cat. Value: S.B. 180.00 Price Realized: $230.00 |
| 3 | O | Two cartons of gently used and unused supplies consisting of Three slightly used hingeless Israel Albums, a Palo Bermuda Album, Empty binders, new and slightly used stockbooks, stockpages, mounts, etc. Useful offering. | Cat. Value: S.B. 100.00 Price Realized: $110.00 |
| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
| 4 | O | The complete philatelic and picture postcard library from a world renown dealer in Deltiology. All different, includes 25 hardbound and 55 softbound (3 are old auction catalogs). A wealth of knowledge being passed on from one generation to the next.Shipping weight 65 lbs., by FEDEX GROUND ONLY, call or email for a rate quote. | Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00 Price Realized: $120.00 |
| 5 | O | The Royal Philatelic Collection, by Sir John Wilson, the Keeper of the Royal Philatelic Collection and edited by Clarence Winchester. This book presents the foundation and the development of the Royal Philatelic Collection in a manner worthy of its importance. There are 12 large lithographed color plates in this book, all sunk on card stock and proof like in quality and with glassine overlays over each. There are also a large number of illustrations in black and white. Large (10½" x 14½") in size, has bright red covers, weighs 12 pounds. Published in 1952 with the "Gracious Permission of His Majesty King George the Sixth". Pages are on light weight card stock, with the printing and the color plates nothing short of exquisite. The book is in clean, excellent condition without any obvious binding problems The original cloth covered slip case is also included just slightly soiled. Great addition to anyone's library. | Cat. Value: S.B. 250.00 Price Realized: $130.00 |
| 6 | O | All things nautical. An advanced reference library from an old sea salt. Almost entirely about United States, Foreign, and Great Lakes sailing ships. Over 50 hard covers, a few dozen soft cover or periodicals, and numerous pamphlets. We found several of the hard covers being offered on Amazon at surprising prices. | Cat. Value: S.B. 120.00 Price Realized: $170.00 |
| 7 | O | Two cartons of mint and lightly used specialty titles. Many hard and expensive to replace hardback titles with an emphasis on the expert collector. | Cat. Value: S.B. 100.00 Price Realized: $120.00 |
| 8 | O | Small carton of literature from the interest areas of a long term specialized collector. A better and most useful selection. All are pictured in the webphotos. | Cat. Value: S.B. 100.00 Price Realized: $85.00 |
| 9 | O | The Nineteenth Century Postage Stamps of the United States Vols. I, II, by Lester G. Brookman, ©1947, H.L Lindquist; The United States One Cent Stamp of 1851-1867, Vols.I. II, by Stanley B. Ashbrook, ©1938, H.L Lindquist; The United States Ten Cent Stamps of 1855-1859 by Mortimer L. Neinken, ©1960, Lindquist Publications; The 3¢ Stamp of the United States b y Carrol Chase, ©1929, J. O. Moore Inc.; The United States 1¢ Franklin, 1861-1867 by Don L. Evans ©1997, Amos Press. A must acquisition for the budding specialist. Shipping weight 18 lbs, by FEDEX GROUND ONLY, call or email for a rate quote. | Cat. Value: S.B. 70.00 Price Realized: $150.00 |
| 10 | O | A group of fifteen different United States cancellation reference books. Shipping weight 33 lbs., by FEDEX US GROUND ONLY, Call or email for a rate quote. | Cat. Value: S.B. 60.00 Price Realized: $70.00 |
| 11 | O | Two cartons from a seemingly endless hoard from the Northern Suburbs. Consists of US and worldwide hard, soft cover books, and pamphlets from various decades of the 20th Century. Offers a cornucopia of reference material as the owner cherished information. Hoarded over many years. A gambler's lot. | Cat. Value: S.B. 50.00 Price Realized: $28.00 |
| 12 | O | Two cartons of mainly United States literature. Contains around 35 hard, soft cover books and pamphlets published from the 1960s to 1990s. | Cat. Value: S.B. 50.00 Price Realized: $26.00 |
| 13 | O | Three cartons of leftover from a lot of United States and worldwide hard, soft cover books and pamphlets from the mid-20th Century to 2012. Offered appropriately. | Cat. Value: S.B. 50.00 Price Realized: $20.00 |
| 14 | O | The Identifier for Carrier's, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries and Bogus Posts of United States by Larry Lyons, Hardbound, Vols. 1-3, and The 2007 Pricing Guide for unlisted Carrier's, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries and Bogus Posts of United states by Larry Lyons, softbound. Shipping weight 13lbs. via FEDEX US GROUND ONLY, Call or email for a rate quote. | Cat. Value: S.B. 50.00 Price Realized: $230.00 |
| 15 | O  | Three cartons of mainly literature. Consists of around fifteen binders of RPO information plus other material, some worldwide mint and used stamps in a small folder box from the the 1970s to 1980s. Also contains a shoebox of US postal history covers mostly from the late 19th Century as well as miscellany. Check out this eclectic holding. | Cat. Value: S.B. 40.00 Price Realized: $80.00 |
| 16 | O | Rare book: "Around the World with a Camera" published 1910 by Leslie Judd Company New York. No author given but there is a picture of a woman with a period camera on the title page. Large format book (28cm x 42cm) stuffed full of black and white photos with brief, but interesting text descriptions. The photos are grouped by photographers, theme, and news worthy event. Lots of disasters and , for then, odd and unusual people. Decent condition, but losing its binding. Life and times in the world in 1910. My how things have changed since then! | Cat. Value: S.B. 40.00 Price Realized: $26.00 |
| 17 | O | Small carton of 8 useful books for any philatelic library. All have webphotos. | Cat. Value: S.B. 30.00 Price Realized: $48.00 |
| 18 | O | Small literature lot consisting US Railway Post Office Postmark catalog volumes 1-3 in two binders, 2016 Scott Classic, Erivan catalog and US Railway Post Office Postmarks by Jim Mehrer. | Cat. Value: S.B. 10.00 Price Realized: $36.00 |
| 19 | O | Accumulation of between 30 to 40 US and worldwide pamphlets or catalogs having some running to the early 2000s. Pluck out the useful information ones and then recycle the rest. | Cat. Value: S.B. 10.00 Price Realized: $8.00 |
| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
| 20 |  | Thirty-two coin 1995-1996 U. S. Olympic Coins of the Atlanta Centennial Olympic Games proof and uncirculated set. Includes eight gold five-dollar, sixteen silver one dollar, and eight clad half dollar coins. Each coin is sealed in a clear, hard-plastic capsule, and displayed on two burgundy-velvet lined cherry wood trays, sixteen coins per tray, which are contained in a 14" x 13" x 3.5" custom-made, cherry wood presentation case. This case has a lock, includes one key, and has the Great Seal of the United States impressed upon the center of the lid. Also contains is the original Certificate of Authenticity (COA).
The total gold content of these coins is 1.935 oz. pure gold. The total silver content of these coins is 12.3754 oz. pure silver. | Cat. Value: S.B. 3250.00 Price Realized: $2,800.00 |