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Public Auction #430

Click here for pre-auction bidding, ended November 18, 2016 at 7:00pm (New York time)
Click here for live auction, takes place November 19-20, 2016 at 10:00 am (New York time)
Bids updated November 18, 2016 at 6:23pm (New York time)

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161O*US retired dealer stock in four small counterbooks of his “better” material. Highlights include: 10x1 ng, used #1 pc, 17, 21 fts, 33, 36, 69, 70, 72, 75 x 3, 76 x 3, 77, 78, 84, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100 se, 118, 119, 121, 241,262, 278, and mint C1 booklet, C18, and many more both mint and used. Comprehensive stock. Huge catalog value and internet possibilities. Needs a thorough inspection to determine the proper bid.Cat. Value: S.B. $6500.00
Price Realized: $4,500.00
162O*Bargain boxes from a market savvy Midwest dealer. All identified properly on 102 cards starting with Scott 210 going all the way to the modern issues. Also includes airmails, other back of the book, revenues, ducks, and a bit of Possessions. Catalog values range from just a few dollars to well over a hundred. Duplication varies from none to a bit, but not over whelming. Condition is mixed. A quick count of the catalog value revealed over $52,000.00. A great group for an eBay entrepreneur.Cat. Value: S.B. $3000.00
Price Realized: $3,500.00
163O*A sparkling original mostly mint collection of lower and medium values carefully mounted on American Heirloom pages. The collector had a sharp eye for centering but did not mind a lightly hinged copy. The small used group includes #’s 9 (with cert.), 14 (with cert.), 17 (with cert.), 69 (with cert.), 77 (with cert.), 116 (with cert.), 217 (with cert.), 229 (with cert.). The impressive assembly of mint holds #’s 113 regum (with cert.), 136 no gum, (with cert.), 146 no gum, (with cert.), 178 no gum, (with cert.), 189 (with cert.), 217 (with cert.), 230//239, (15¢-30¢, with certs.), 246//257 (6¢-8¢, with certs.), 288-290 (all with certs.), 294-295 both NH, 297-299 (all with certs.), 328-330 (5¢, with cert.), 331-340 (5¢, 8¢, 15¢ with certs.), 358 with cert., 374-381 (8¢-10¢, with certs.), 394-395 pairs (both with certs.), 399-402 (400, 400A with certs.), 414-418, 420 (8¢-9¢, 15¢, 20¢ with certs.), 424-438 (7¢, 10¢, 15¢, 20¢, 30¢, with certs.), 453 with certs., 462//475 (5¢, 7¢, 9¢-10¢, 15¢, with certs.), 498-50Cat. Value: S.B. $2200.00
Price Realized: $8,000.00
164OSelection in two fatso stockbooks. Comprises hundreds of used stamps having amply backup in Scott order having huge catalog value. One book consists of issues from Scott #11 to 700 while the other book is BOB. While sparse on many pages, still amply amount of value to be mined for the patient prospector.Cat. Value: S.B. $2800.00
Price Realized: $2,100.00
165O*A mint and used 19th and 20th century collection of front, and back of the book, possessions, etc. Includes regular issues, commemoratives, airmails, special deliveries, postage dues, Shanghai overprints, officials, parcel post. Also holds 1st through 3rd issues, red, and green revenues as well a Federal ducks. Bonuses are telegraphs and Possessions. Light in the pre-banknotes then turns respectable with groups of Banknotes, early commoratives, Washington-Franklins. Useful used are #’s 1, 36, 70, 71 x2, 72, 75-76, 119-120, 218 x2, 242. Mentionable mint are #’s 30A, 211, 219D, 243-244, 294-299, 323-327 (2 sets), 578-579, 581-591, 658-679, 630, C1 x2, C2 x2, C3 x2, C4 x2, C5, C6 x2, C13, C18 x2, E1-E2, J57, K1//K15, Q1-Q12, RW4-RW47 (RW3 and later issues are NH). Condition is very mixed and there are some identification issues to address. Candidate for remounting and expansion.Cat. Value: S.B. $2100.00
Price Realized: $7,500.00
166O*A challenging front of the book stock in over three dozen tiny sales books. Includes 19th and 20th century mint and used lower and medium value regular issues and commemoratives. The mint group includes 240, 400, 400A, 591 x3 while the used holds #’s 9 x2, 17, 36-37, 69, 71 x2, 77 x3, 78 x2, 89, 92, 96 x3, 119 x4, 121, 149 x5, 151 x3, 153 x3, 166 x2, 191, 217, 291 x3, 311 x2, 342 x4. With a critical eye we cleared the mine field so careful examination will prove time worthy as there are quite a few items to be plucked for profits. Condition is quite mixed and duplication can easily be digested. Just the assembly for the savvy marketer.Cat. Value: S.B. $2500.00
Price Realized: $2,900.00
167O*19th and 20th century mint and used collection in four very clean G & K specialized binders with slip cases and a stock book housing some cheap stamps. Lightly balanced up to the Columbians and beyond with a few high cataloging items scattered about. Well stocked starting with the 1920’s commemoratives. Airmails are well represented but hardly anything in the way of Back of the Book. Also a few covers thrown in for a bonus. All certificates mentioned thereafter are Weiss originals. Better used are #’s 1-2, 9 with cert., 12 with cert., 14 with cert., 15, 17-18, 29, 71-72, 75-78, 78b with cert., 85B, 89-91,100, 118, 120-121, 138 with cert., 155, 166, 292 with cert., 311 with PFC (graded XF 90). Noteworthy mint are #’s 241 with cert., 342 with cert., 397-403, 658-679, C1-C6, C18, O7, RI1-RI3. Condition is mixed with many trust worthy items spotted. Great lot for expansion.Cat. Value: S.B. $1800.00
Price Realized: $3,750.00
168O*A compact 1847//1960 mint and used collection neatly placed in a Lighthouse hingeless album with slip case housing 19th and 20th century mostly front of the book some useful items in the Banknotes, a sprinkling of Washington-Franklins and a nice flock of Ducks bringing up the rear. Worthwhile mint are #’s 39, 241, 264-259, 551-572, 630, 658-679. The better used are #’s 1, 22, 27, 37, 67, 70-72, 75, 89-91, 96, 112-121, 155, 166, 191, 218, 241-242. Condition is very mixed as we noted many examples where the collector was not overly concerned about quality. Still many fine copies spread throughout. Lots of catalog in a very clean yet not complete album.Cat. Value: S.B. $1600.00
Price Realized: $2,500.00
169*United States mint accumulation in approximately 50 glassines. Consists of regular and commemorative issues from Scott #175 to 616 already identified and cataloged averaging roughly from two to twenty stamps per glassine. Profitable duplication exists making this lot very beneficial for selling on the internet.Cat. Value: S.B. $2100.00
Price Realized: $1,500.00
170*Consignment offered as we received it. The group is assembled into two components. The first is a mostly used collection housed in an All American Stamp Album holding #’s 9 pair, 119-120, 155, 218, 240, 291. The second part presents much more value as it contains mint blocks of #’s 183, 206, 213, 214, 216, 232-233, 234 x2, 235-237, 248 x2, 267 plate block, 286, 296 w/ imprint and plate number, 302, 306, 308, 314, 323-326, 326 left arrow block, 329-330, 336, 338, 346 plate block, 483-484, 504, 506-507, 509, 511, 512 block of 8, 513, 534A, 555, 560-561, 567-568, 667, PR119. There are numerous other values, especially in the 1¢ and 2¢ Washington-Franklin imperfs and 1920 commemoratives. Condition and centering is mixed with a pleasing amount of NH singles to be broken out of the blocks. With some work much material to be mined.Cat. Value: S.B. $1500.00
Price Realized: $2,800.00

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