Category Index

Public Auction #414

Click here for pre-auction bidding, ended November 16, 2012 at 7:00pm (New York time)
Bids updated November 16, 2012 at 6:32pm (New York time)

1169*oPortugal and colonies collection of a couple thousand mounted or in mounts in a Scott Specialty album up to about 1990. Well balanced as far as completeness in time periods with more used early and more mint later and sometimes both mint and used shingled up. No souvenir sheets are present and the colonials only cover A to K countries. Would be nice to continue or strip down.Cat. Value: S.B. 1,700.00
Price Realized: $1,350.00
1170*oPortugal and colonies collection in a Scott Specialty album. Ranging from 1860’s to 1980’s brimming full with thousands of mint and used. Decent Portugal with a tremendous colonial selection from Angola, Cape Verde, Macao, Mozambique, Mozambique Co., etc. Condition varies so closer inspection suggested.Cat. Value: Owner’s cat. 12,380.000
Price Realized: $1,450.00
1171*oPortugal and colonies collections in two Scott Specialty albums. Portugal runs from 1850’s to 1970’s with several hundred mint and used stamps. Very clean and waiting to be completed. Portuguese colonies includes Azores, Macao, St. Thomas, India, Tete, etc. with hundreds of stamps from 1870’s to 1960’s. Terrific colonies, overall very clean.Cat. Value: S.B. 1,100.00
Price Realized: $1,500.00
1172*oPortugal and colonies accumulation/collection of hundreds of mint, used and CTO stamps. Encompassing 1857-1986 on Scott Specialty pages in a pizza size box. Condition varies on the earlier issues so closer inspection recommended. Consists of Portugal 1857-1986, Macao 1884-1986, Cape Verde 1877-1985, etc. Please inspect and enjoy this increasingly popular area.Cat. Value: S.B. 900.00
Price Realized: $650.00
1173*oPortugal and colonies collection in a very clean Scott Specialty album. Includes Portugal from 1860’s to mid 1960’s with BOB, along with Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Nyassa, etc. Hundreds of mint and used singles and sets. Portugal is comprehensive and the colonies are somewhat sparse but are interspersed with some fascinating items. Fresh material on the market just waiting to be completed.Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00
Price Realized: $475.00