COLLECTIONS AND ACCUMULATIONS — United States Collections And Accumulations |
| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
| 747 |   | The compact box of mint and used loaded with catalog value of nuclear proportions. Includes 1847, 1851-1857, 1869 issues, loads of Banknotes, early Commemoratives, Washington Franklins, Kansas-Nebraska sets, early airmails, Special Deliveries, Postage Dues, Parcelposts, Revenues, Confederate States, and U.S. Possessions mostly singles with some blocks scattered about. Noteworthy mint 3’s are 240 x3, 241, 277, 291, 547, (658-668) x3, (669-679) x4, 1053 x6, 834 x4, C1 x5, C2 x7, C3 x7, C5 x3, C6 x4, and C18 x8. The used are #’s 1, 29, 30A x2, 37 x2, 38-39, 62B, 67 x2, 70 x3, 71 x3, 72, 73 x23, 76 x6, 78 x10, 90, 97, 115 x3, 118, 119 x6, 120 x2, 121 x3, 138, 149 x4, 151 x5, 153 x3, 155 x2, 166 x5, 191, 218 x2, 240, 277 x2, 278, 291 x2, and 312. A few blocks worth mentioning are 224, 578-579, 595, and C18. Condition is very mixed with most being Fine. Ideal for making singles or small groups for the internet. | Cat. Value: S.B. 8,000.00 Price Realized: $13,500.00 |
| 748 |   | Collection in a battered and bruised Liberty album. Used to 1980 and then mint to the early 1990s. Lots of values in the used classics with #1, 2, Columbians and Trans Mississippi issues, Kansas Nebraska, etc. present. Condition has to be a factor with many “space filler” types lurking. This album has not enough spaces for the included stamps encompassed so identification will require disassembly. Also includes good airs like used C13-C15, etc., along with other desirable back of the book. Enough face in booklet panes and the like to be a consideration. This intact collector made collection is offered at a small fraction of its enormous catalog value. Worth a close inspection. | Cat. Value: S.B. 6,500.00 Price Realized: $7,000.00 |
| 749 |   | Mint and used old time collection in a well used 1957 Scott American Album. Begins with a used #1 with a purported orange cancel (looks light red to us), a couple of pages of classics and banknotes, and a used set of #112-122. Also includes some interesting albeit puzzling Washington Franklins. Missing a few pages and sets, this album has seen its days. Mixed condition. Enough to tweak the interest of an intrepid bidder. | Cat. Value: S.B. 4,500.00 Price Realized: $4,000.00 |
| 750 |  | A rather better old time mint collection pickings lot than normally encountered. It appears that many years ago the collector took two meaty collections combined them together onto black stockpages. Noteworthy items are numbers 7, 9, 15, 36, 36B, 37-39, 63 x2, 71, 112-120, 149 x2, 150, 152-153, 159-160, 162, 166, 191, 214-218, 220-228, 230-239, 275-278, 282C-284, 285-290, 299, 300-312, 331-341, 357-358, 362, 397-400A, 401-403, 414-421, 462-466, 468-476, 498-499, 501-504, 505 (in a strip of 3), 506-518, 547, 551-573, 581-591, 1053, C1-C6, C18, E1-E10, Q1-Q12, JQ1-JQ5. 3P4, 4P4, 120P4, 121P4, and 122P4. Condition is quite mixed. A useful collection awaiting a first class album. | Cat. Value: S.B. 4,000.00 Price Realized: $11,000.00 |
| 751 |   | Mint and used advanced collection to around 2007 on a remainder selection of Scott Specialty pages in a small pizza size box. Huge catalog value. Many early numbers including #1 (space filler), some early grills, Banknote grills, 1869s, #277, #278, Kansas Nebraska, 630 (badly faded), airmails, postage dues, officials, newspapers and ducks. Condition mixed with plenty of possibilities. | Cat. Value: S.B. 3,000.00 Price Realized: $4,750.00 |
| 752 |   | An old time holding of mint and used singles, blocks, and mint plate blocks squirreled away many years ago. Mostly lower to medium values with an occasional high ticket piece spotted here and there. Many items have been sorted and identified some with large duplication like lower value mint and used early commems., 286 x 5 imprint plate pairs, 397 x 24, 398 x 8, 567 x 32, 570 x 24, Kansas issues, C10a x3, and block of C18. Used includes 242 x2, 291 x2, and 292. Impressive plate blocks are 301, 331-332, 345-346, 374 x2, 398, 406, 484, 526, 528B, 610, 631, and F1. Condition is quite mixed and duplication can be overwhelming. Nice lot with no meat cut away from the bone. | Cat. Value: S.B. 3,000.00 Price Realized: $6,000.00 |
| 753 |   | An old time 1893 to 1946 commemorative single, block and plate block collection. Mentionable singles are 230-242, 288-291, 294-299, 323-330, 397-404, and 630. Noteworthy blocks are 230 (block of 6), 231-233, 237, 285, 287, 290, 294-299, 324, 328, 330, 369, 371, 373, 397-399, 401, 403, and C18. Plate blocks include 232, 234-236, 285, 288 x2, 323, 325-327, 329, 371, 550, and 630 (pronounced vert. crease in left margin). Other items not specifically pointed out are singles and blocks of the 1920s commems, 2 Cent Reds, etc. As one might expect with an old collection, condition is very mixed and some reenforcement in the plate blocks. Huge catalog value with plenty of salvageable material to be mined. | Cat. Value: S.B. 3,000.00 Price Realized: $5,500.00 |
| 754 |   | A two volume 1851 to 1986 mostly mint collection. Lightly populated in the early issues until you get to the Columbians. More items get involved in the early commems and then turns light in the Washington Franklins. Starts going again in the Fourth Bureau and stay consistently filled until 1986. Also includes the early airmails and a scattering of Special Deliveries, Postage Dues and Parcelpost. Meaningful mint starts with numbers 230-245, 279B-284, 285-293, 294-299, 300/310, 323-330, 341-342, 369, 397-404, 422, 480, 498/518, 524, 547, 551-573, 578-579, 581-591, 630, C1-C6, C18, Q1-Q6, and Q9-Q10. Useful used are numbers 7, 9, 30A, 70-72, 138, 155, 166. Condition is mixed with many of the high values either no gum or regummed. Still very solid value and worth close examination. | Cat. Value: S.B. 2,900.00 Price Realized: $7,000.00 |
| 755 |   | An extraordinary old time accumulation of mint and used officials stored in stockpages, stockcard, large size European stockcards and a couple auction pages. Better mint includes numbers 01-02, 03 x2, 04 x2, 05 x2, 06-08, 09 x3, 011, 012 x2, 013 x2, 014, 025 x3, 026 x2, O28, 029, O30 x2, O31-O34, 035 x5, 037 x3, 038 x2, 039 x2, 041-043, 045, O52 blk. of four, O54-O65, 057 x3, 058 x4, 059 x5, 060 x4, 062 x4, 063 x2, 064 x2, 65 x2, O81-O82, O90 blk. of four, 0100 blk. of four w/ cert., O111 blk. of four. The used holds mostly lower to medium values with all departments represented. There is a small batch of card proof and specimens, including (O10S-O14S). Lots of duplication but nothing oppressive. Condition is very mixed, with mint being OG., regum, and no gum. Great lot for the specialist. Catalog value sure to be many times the suggested bid. | Cat. Value: S.B. 2,600.00 Price Realized: $6,500.00 |
| 756 |    | Collection as received in 14 packed 3 ring binders and a couple of small boxes filling the better part of two large cartons. Includes mint mainly postage types 1932-1998 (four binders) enough multiples and sheets to make face value a consideration, an equal number of binders of used, some postal stationery and some covers. The usual suspects with an infrequent better morsel. Bring your calculator to figure this one. | Cat. Value: S.B. 2,500.00 Price Realized: $1,900.00 |
| 757 |   | An outstanding old time accumulation of several hundred on auction pages, salespages and European sized stockcards put away a long time ago. Mostly lower to medium values with a few better scattered about. Most of the value is in 19th used. Also included is a grouping of mint Farley souvenir sheets and a few Federal Ducks. Worthwhile mint is # 38 (no gum), 239, 291 (regum), 369, 505, C10a booklet, and C18 block of four. Notable used are number’s 15 x2, 67, 120 x2, three 90 cent Banknotes, 291 x3, 292, C14, plus a large batch of J’s and Q’s. Condition is very mixed. Great value to be extracted from this useful assemblage. | Cat. Value: S.B. 2,000.00 Price Realized: $4,500.00 |
| 758 |   | An old time accumulation of several better than most elementary remainder collections containing 19th and 20th century mainly front of the book singles, blocks, etc. Includes albums, binders, homemade albums and loose pages. The back of the book and U.S. Possession sections are other lots in this auction with a familiar flavor. Wide variety of cancels in the 19th century and good coverage in the 20th century. Lots of catalog value. Look carefully to uncover all the goodies. | Cat. Value: S.B. 2,000.00 Price Realized: $4,000.00 |
| 759 |   | Consignment remainder grouping from an old time collection housed in collection auction folders, loose pages out of collections, stockpages, etc. A few of the highlights are a used block collection with Washington-Franklins, #’s 403, 404 (block of 6), C1, C3-C6, and a broken Nebraska set, some mint booklets panes, a mass of mint and used singles including used #’s 71-72, 155, 218, 291, a mint block assembly with #’s, 214, 224, 307, 358. We spotted three White Plains souvenir sheets (one no gum). You will also experience a small grouping of B.O.B. and finally, some postage to count. Condition is very mixed, some of the mint has been affected by the humid southern climate. You should take your time with this lot for the many items to be plucked for profits. | Cat. Value: S.B. 2,000.00 Price Realized: $5,500.00 |
| 760 |   | Accumulation of 19th and 20th century mint and used front and back of the book neatly arranged in a stockbook. Nice mixture of lower to medium values with light duplication. Complete mint items are a set of Kansas-Nebraska, small Farley group, 232 x 5, 234 x 2, 325 x 3, C5 x4, C6 x2, used Ducks. Condition is mixed with lots of worthwhile catalog value that would be easy to process. | Cat. Value: Owner’s cat. 16,600.00 Price Realized: $1,700.00 |
| 761 |   | An old time accumulation of mint and used 19th and 20th century from cheap to better front and back of the book. The material is stored in stockbooks, glassines, approval books both sorted and unsorted. Some postage was spotted. Condition is mixed. The assembly had southern origins resulting with some items being stuck together. We have taken that in account. Good value in this useful grouping. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1,700.00 Price Realized: $4,250.00 |
| 762 |   | Mint and used comprehensive collection to 1991 in two lightly remaindered Scott Specialty albums. Mixed condition in the 19th century but much cleaner in the 20th. Highlights include a few earlies, 1861s, grills, 1869s, Columbians to 50c, mint Prexies to #834, 1053, Farley’s, airmails including #C1-C6, mint C10a, C18 x2, etc. The second volume contains its value in Revenues (the 1st, 3rd, and Reds are best) along with a nice bunch of cut squares. Useful to a collector for continuation or readily recyclable. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1,500.00 Price Realized: $1,900.00 |
| 763 |  | Fabulous collection old time 19th century collection on old Scott pages. Appears to be assembled for shades and cancels. Worthwhile numbers are 67 x2, 71-72, 75, etc. Other impressive groups include the shades of 70 and 78 in addition to the “E” and “F” grills up to the 30 cent values with some duplication. The collection ends with three pages filled with the 3 cent 1861 issues with many shades and cancels. Condition is mixed. A collection ideal to build upon. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1,500.00 Price Realized: $2,300.00 |
| 764 |   | Beautiful fresh old time mint and used revenue collection still encased in an old auction folder. Includes 1st, 2nd, and 3rd issues, Reds, Greens, Future Delivery, and just a very few Silvers. Sitting untouched for over 30 years this assembly was cataloged by the owner at over $7000.00. Many nice and attractive copies spread throughout the group with some interesting cancels in the used area. Condition is mixed. A fine opportunity for the specialist or wannabe. Needs careful examination to come up with the right number. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1,500.00 Price Realized: $2,600.00 |
| 765 |   | Collection remainder in two Lindner albums with many of the goodies still intact. Put together long ago we just could not bear to break out the work of the former collector into singles. It must have taken quite a while to find pleasingly used #1, 2, 120-122, 242, 243, 244, 245 and a mint white Plains sheet to add to this collection. These do make up the bulk of the value but the occasional surprise is also present. Here is where viewing can add to your profits. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1,400.00 Price Realized: $2,700.00 |
| 766 |  | An old time holding of booklet panes and a few booklets. Familiar numbers included are 319g, 331a, 332a, 405a, 406a, 424d, 425e, 462a, 463a, 498e, 499e, 502b, 554c, 583a, 632a, and 634d. Mentionable booklets are BK131a x10, and BKC1 x2. Overall centering is Fair to Fine with a few F-VF. Both NH and LH are present. Duplication of a few booklet panes is huge; example is 544c with well over 500 copies. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1,400.00 Price Realized: $2,000.00 |