Category Index

Public Auction #410

Click here for pre-auction bidding, ended November 18, 2011 at 7:00pm (New York time)
Bids updated November 18, 2011 at 6:24pm (New York time)

1206*oGreat Britain stockbook of mainly used classic era stamps roughly sorted by Scott type. Thousands of stamps in mixed condition with hundreds of early classics in quantity. Condition is generally better than usually seen with many VF appearing. Hundreds of numeral and other collectable cancels. Noticed several pages of #3 selected especially for their cancels. Also saw #107 x 50. Plate differences abound and in some places roughly sorted as such. Huge catalog value. Bound to be something of interest for the specialized dealer or collector.Cat. Value: cat. 159,800.00
Price Realized: $5,500.00
1207*oGreat Britain collection of all reigns identified by Gibbons numbers on homemade pages. Includes many plate numbers and nice cancels on the 19th century issues, and many production varieties into the 1960’s. A lot of interesting items among the more ordinary stuff, so take the time to turn the pages and read the notations.Cat. Value: S.B. 1,500.00
Price Realized: $1,400.00
1208*oCVGreat Britain collection in a Scott Specialty album to 1992. Begins with a used #1 and includes quite a few classics. Intermittent sets through the 1920-1970’s. Strong 1980-1986 and then sparse to the end. The best part is the small selection of classic covers in the accompanying stockbook including a pair of #5 on a cover from Liverpool to New York. An opportunity to obtain an original holding in its entirety.Cat. Value: S.B. 1,500.00
Price Realized: $1,100.00
1209*oGreat Britain accumulation/collection in two Scott Specialty albums to 2002. Between the two an intermediate collection is hidden. Highlights are #1 and several used early premium singles along with an explosion of mint modern sets that hold an appreciable amount of face. Condition a factor especially in the earlies. Worthwhile to figure a current value.Cat. Value: S.B. 950.00
Price Realized: $800.00
1210*oGreat Britain stockcard of ancient classics. 76 different from #1 through 124 including 1-7, 57, 94-109, 124, etc. Will really spice up an intermediate collection missing the classics.Cat. Value: cat. 14,600.00
Price Realized: $950.00
1211*oGreat Britain stockcard of 19th century including many better items such as #3 with Maltese Cross numeral cancels, 49-55 used, O34-O36 used, etc. Overall superior quality including some premium cancels.Cat. Value: S.B. 400.00
Price Realized: $280.00
1212*oGreat Britain collection/accumulation filling a carton. Contains a notable Gibbons collection in four albums mainly mint into the 1990’s. Seems weak in the classic period with better items after 1960. Strength in booklet panes, booklets and mint face mostly from the Machin era. Look closely to see the value.Cat. Value: S.B. 375.00
Price Realized: $950.00
1213oGreat Britain gross of early used stamps lined up on black stockpages with a computerized inventory. Includes various plate numbers and cancels, some duplication and condition that varies widely as always so viewing is essential.Cat. Value: Owner’s cat. 11,400.00
Price Realized: $300.00