Category Index

Public Auction #403

Click here for pre-auction bidding, ended February 12, 2010 at 7:00pm (New York time)
Bids updated February 12, 2010 at 6:17pm (New York time)

UNITED STATES — Airmail Issues
127*(C3) 24¢, small squadron of shifted center biplanes, one is NH centered just Fine or better.Cat. Value: $430.00
Price Realized: $300.00
128**(C3) 24¢ Carmine, Rose and Blue NH with gum bends. Centered shifted left and down, centered VF.Cat. Value: $150.00
Price Realized: $70.00
129**(C3) 24¢ Biplane, NH, center shifted up, bright, centered F-VF.Cat. Value: $150.00
Price Realized: $80.00
130**(C3) 24¢ NH with gum bend, centered shifted left, Fine.Cat. Value: $150.00
Price Realized: $65.00
131**Blk(C4) 8¢ Dark Green NH block, F-VF.Cat. Value: $170.00
Price Realized: $160.00
132**Blk(C4) 8¢, NH block, F-VF.Cat. Value: $170.00
Price Realized: $80.00
133**Blk(C6) 24¢ Carmine NH, low left initial block. UL stamp with gum skip. HR in the lower left margin.Cat. Value: $555.00
Price Realized: $290.00
134*(C13-C15, C18) Zeppelin, OG, 65¢ with tiny black paper adhering to reverse and a small thin, $2.60 with some gum bends, an inclusion and an ink smudge at right, Fine.Cat. Value: $1,495.00
Price Realized: $800.00
135*(C13) 65¢ Green, OG with natural gum bends, small speck on reverse, centered VF.Cat. Value: $225.00
Price Realized: $140.00
136o(C13) 65¢, used, hidden crease, centered VF.Cat. Value: $150.00
Price Realized: $75.00
137**(C14) $1.30 Brown, OG expertly smoothed over to look NH. Couple shorter perfs, F-VF.Cat. Value: $475.00
Price Realized: $270.00
138*(C15) $2.60 Blue, vlh, trivial bit of offset on reverse, fresh color, VF.Cat. Value: $615.00
Price Realized: $500.00
139**P(C18) 50¢ Zeppelin, NH plate block. Several gum bends and crease, gum skips and two inclusions. Centered F-VF.Cat. Value: $750.00
Price Realized: $250.00