| Lot | Condition | Description | Value/Bidding |
    | 352 |  | Great starter collection of almost 1900 stamps in mounts on clean Scott specialty pages spanning 1919 to 1968. The “areas” encompass Berlin, postwar zones and DDR. Suitable for expansion. | Cat. Value: Cat. 2390.00 Price Realized: $160.00 |
    33 TOTAL IMAGES | 353 | O | Collection in a Schaubek album with slipcase. Comprises World War II Private Issues from 1939-1945 issued for the Belgium Flemish, Walloon Legion, France, and Netherlands organized in Michel order. Encompasses over forty mint sheets of four in complete sets, several souvenir sheets and a several dozen mint stamps. A collector’s collection now coming onto the philatelic market for the first time. Do not let this one slip away. You will not see another one for a long time. Please check out the copious scans. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1500.00 Price Realized: $2,400.00 |
    44 TOTAL IMAGES | 354 | O | Two large cartons filled with collections, stockbooks, pizza type boxes, and more. Spotted a Saar Flood sheet, a Lindner album with dozens of annotated Michel varieties (some marked “rare”, but you decide if true), a stockbook with 3rd Reich postcards, Berlin in a pair of Lindner albums and much more. There are cinderellas scattered throughout, better singles and sets, lots of German States and, in a nutshell, a valuable and useful collection or strong stock to be mined from this one. Some items may require an expert’s eye, otherwise generally fine or better. A joy to inspect. | Cat. Value: S.B. 1100.00 Price Realized: $1,000.00 |
    35 TOTAL IMAGES | 355 | O | A substantial collection of mostly used Germany and states, with some mint stuck down to varied degrees, mounted in an old Schaubek album to the mid 1940s. The areas hold good value, notably the states, colonies, Danzig, Memel & Saar, and the Third Reich is fairly complete. Attentive viewing is recommended. | Cat. Value: S.B. 750.00 Price Realized: $500.00 |
    21 TOTAL IMAGES | 356 | O  | Outstanding Germany Russian Zone collection in a Schaubek album and slipcase. Contains a thousand or so mint stamps and used stamps appearing to be mainly in complete sets having beneficial duplication showcasing the various overprints used in this zone. Carefully mounted and presented by the collector. Likewise involves a small selection of fascinating covers. A nice collection for the specialist in this area. | Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00 Price Realized: $550.00 |
    13 TOTAL IMAGES | 357 | O | Well stuffed KABE album with Germany to modern and some states, plus Occupation issues. Some souvenir sheets, much used with some decent cancels. | Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00 Price Realized: $240.00 |
    10 TOTAL IMAGES | 358 | O | Assortment from 1949-1982 in two cartons. Contains thousands of used stamps in full, partial sets, singles, and souvenir sheets in seven Lighthouse hingeless albums and slipcases. Incorporates three DDR from 1949-1982, two Federal Republics from 1949-1979, one Berlin from 1949-1980 and coming along for the ride is one Austria 1968-1980. Ready for completion and continuation or swap out the used stamps for your mint stamps. | Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00 Price Realized: $375.00 |
    18 TOTAL IMAGES | 359 | O  | A selection concentrated from the 1930s to the 1970s in three cartons. Thousands of mixed mint and used stamps in six Schaubek albums and slipcases, stockbooks, small boxes, glassines, sales cards, and counter pages having duplication. Likewise incorporates an accumulation of covers mainly from the DDR (1950s-1970s), and some postal stationery. Tail end of a super Germany consignment. Check it out. | Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00 Price Realized: $450.00 |
    16 TOTAL IMAGES | 360 | O | A comprehensive assortment of mostly F-VF Germany, Saar, and Soviet Zone. Much of the value is in mint Saar, used 3rd Reich, and early post war mint and used. Later material is mounted on Lindner and other pages. Third Reich is mounted neatly on sales cards. This is a clean bread and butter Germany and area collection compacted in a pizza box. | Cat. Value: S.B. 500.00 Price Realized: $375.00 |
    6 TOTAL IMAGES | 361 | O | Many thousand arranged on a few thousand 102 size salescards. Includes lower to medium material in small quantities, short sets, key values, cancel pickings, etc. Need to look carefully to uncover all the goodies. | Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00 Price Realized: $450.00 |
    14 TOTAL IMAGES | 362 |  | Germany Russian Zone collection in a Lighthouse hingeless album and slipcase. Contains hundreds and hundreds of mostly mint stamps in full, partial sets, singles, and some souvenir sheets. Nice collection to complete and study the philatelic issues for this eastern section of Germany right after World War II. | Cat. Value: S.B. 450.00 Price Realized: $650.00 |
    19 TOTAL IMAGES | 363 | O  | Germany, DDR, and Berlin selection from the 1850s to the 1960s in one carton. Hundreds and hundreds of mixed mint and used stamps as well as nice offering of covers in five old-style Schaubek albums and slipcases. One album contains about forty covers from the early 1900s to the 1930s in varying degrees of condition including six Zeppelin and two catapult covers. Another contains roughly twenty German States covers and unused postal stationery. Likewise includes two albums of DDR having used stamps and another has mint blocks of four mostly from the 1960s. Rounding out this offering is an album of Berlin mint blocks of four mainly from the 1960s. Ideal for the German collector. | Cat. Value: S.B. 350.00 Price Realized: $260.00 |
    15 TOTAL IMAGES | 364 | O | Collection in two Lighthouse hingeless albums and slipcases in one carton. Incorporates hundreds and hundreds of mostly mint but also some used stamps in full, partial sets, singles, and souvenir sheets. One album is German States from the 1850s to 1860s while the other album contains German areas from 1920-1939 including Danzig, Memel, Saar, and Plebiscites from Allenstein, Marienwerder, Upper Silesia, and Schleswig. A collection ideal to build upon. | Cat. Value: S.B. 325.00 Price Realized: $650.00 |
    9 TOTAL IMAGES | 365 | O | Neat and tidy mint and used collection of over 500 postwar issues mounted on pages. Includes Bundesrepublic, Berlin, Soviet zone, Allied zones and DDR. Owner’s 2021 catalog is $3725. All F-VF or better. | Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00 Price Realized: $200.00 |
    7 TOTAL IMAGES | 366 |   | Assortment from the Third Reich to the Federal Republic 1980s in a medium box. Hundreds and hundreds of mint stamps having duplication identified by Scott number 700s to 900s plus BOB in glassines. Likewise involves Berlin and East German booklets. | Cat. Value: S.B. 300.00 Price Realized: $200.00 |