Category Index

Public Auction #448

Click here for pre-auction bidding, ended August 20, 2021 at 6:00PM (New York time)
Click here for live auction, takes place August 21-22, 2021 at 10:00 AM (New York time)
Click here for unsold lots, available August 26, 2021 at 2:00 PM (New York time)
Bids updated August 20, 2021 at 6:20pm (New York time)

371O*A collection/accumulation of mint and used 19th, 20th century front and back of the book. Includes a couple albums and lots of loose sorted and unsorted in glassines, etc. Also includes a few covers. Some duplication and condition is mixed. Great starter opportunity to engage in the popular area.Cat. Value: S.B. 1200.00
Price Realized: $800.00
372O*The Netherland part has sound classics and many earlies ending around 1960. Suriname is strong in the 1970’s-80’s but there are others as well. Curacao and the Antilles are also present mostly from the mid- twentieth century. An interesting group of collections that deserve your attention.Cat. Value: S.B. 1000.00
Price Realized: $700.00
373O*CVAn attractive collection from the 1850s to about 2005 including back of the book, postal cards, stationery, covers and postal history. Colonies present are Netherland Indies, Antilles, Surinam and Curacaos. A real opportunity to begin a comprehensive Netherlands collection.Cat. Value: S.B. 650.00
Price Realized: $425.00
374O*CVNetherlands collection with few earlies but the modern is fresh and clean. Year packs of the 21st century and a stock book of used are accompanied by covers ranging from 1980 2005. The Indonesia section is strong going from 1950 to 1992. There is a group of Indonesian covers 1974 – 84 and a small group of miscellaneous world covers. Exceptional condition throughout plus some quality albums makes this a desirable holding.Cat. Value: S.B. 600.00
Price Realized: $400.00
375***Dealer’s stock of several hundred glassines never hinged and light hinged with duplication and high Cat. value. Netherlands ranges from Scott 113 to 564 and Antilles from Scott 109 to 496. Great lot for the internet or show dealer.Cat. Value: S.B. 550.00
Price Realized: $375.00